Reed valve spacer...

I run without, in search of some more mid and top, but gained nothing. I just left it out to give the carb more room for removal. I've had it out recently and can't see any scoring or tattered edges that would indicate contact with the case - as new after maybe 60+ hours since I've owned the bike. It was one of the very first things I did.
I've taken it off and run it up, not ridden it yet to know for sure.

Though I did notice one little power robbing factor. The reed to inlet stub (aluminium bit) had a bit of overlap (about 1mm) going into the reed cage, filed it out so the transition is smooth. Doing this on the inlet stubs on the fzs1000s gets you 8hp dyno proven, so it's got to be worth something on the gasser!!


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I agree that you can pick up some power if you correct for a large to small port transition but transitioning from a smaller port to a larger port is ok.
Bare in mind the lip was at an angle pointing it at the furthest reed, not great for flow. Going for a spin shortly and local mx track tomorrow, will deliver my thoughts as they come.

I'm getting the cylinder replated shortly, and will be matching up all the ports and cleaning and casting marks. Spoken to a few very experienced tuners that have all told me not to bother with porting on these engines as long as the piston has been aligned with the bottom of the exhaust port and squish sorted, both have been done.
just out of interest who were the tuners that told you not to port it??

Didnt you get your cylinder replated not long ago or am i mixing you up with gassergrant??
I went on his recommendation and used langcourt
Nah, haven't had it replated before. I was basically told that a "oversquare" engine like that won't benefit from porting, but you can do a bit of cleaning up etc yourself.