Rekluse exp install tips from the guys that know!


New member
Hey guys just got my rekluse exp and want to know if there was anything you've encountered or found to be a bit of a pain in installation or in setup you would have done the first time around? I thought it would be worth asking to try and save the time others spent with figuring the quirks of the clutch out.any help would be great!
from my install on my ktm:

1) air impact.
2) lay over on left side, won't spill a drop of oil.
3) let you new plates soak for at least 6 hours.
4) don't lose any of the little balls or springs!

It is really pretty easy. make sure that you have the latest adjuster nut, should be silver and not anodized the same as the basket.

the directions are pretty good if I could manage without busting something.

Oh, watch out for your shift lever if laying over on the side, it may drag on the GG.

Hey guys just got my rekluse exp and want to know if there was anything you've encountered or found to be a bit of a pain in installation or in setup you would have done the first time around? I thought it would be worth asking to try and save the time others spent with figuring the quirks of the clutch out.any help would be great!
i dont see any little balls in the kit? also what is the easiest way to get the nut that holds the main hub in? is it impacted because it seems very difficult to get off?
Impact for the primary nut. A rag in the gear teeth works for take off but not so well for the back on, that is where the impact comes in handy.
ok so i got the clutch put in and set at 1 turn and 5 clicks and engagement feels exactly the same as my stock clutch, i didnt adjust anythin from the stock clutch and it feels perfect. a quick question though, since the clutch cover is a little bigger does everyone still use the same 900ml's of oil? wasnt sure if some run a little more volume or not.
That's what I also was planning on doing, with a little more volume in the cover I thought 46ml's wouldnt hurt and I hate having all the spare bottles with a little left in each one!
I run a little more, but if you go by the sight window, you should be good as the larger side cover will just hold more oil to get to the same level.
EC300 EXP install too

My thoughts, Rekluse tech staff are great ! I am a mechanic and I still had questions for them. It was a question of "feel". When you are almost done the install, and you are threading in the aluminum adjuster "nut" with the allen key. The nut stops on the inner clutch hub Nut and then you make a mark. Then break in the clutch, then re-adjust the nut.
My issue was that the Gain (at the Lever) measurement was too much (3/8 inch) and I assumed I had to keep spinning the adjuster in, wrong, too much gain requires you to back off the adjuster, that was not clear enough for me in the manual. ended up going from 1 full turn PLUS 8 tics, back to 1 full turn plus 3 TICS. Works sooooo nice now. Make sure to check your gain before every ride. Just 1/8 " at the tip of the lever. any more or less and you could be doing damage/ slipping clutch with out knowing it.
My thoughts, Rekluse tech staff are great ! I am a mechanic and I still had questions for them. It was a question of "feel". When you are almost done the install, and you are threading in the aluminum adjuster "nut" with the allen key. The nut stops on the inner clutch hub Nut and then you make a mark. Then break in the clutch, then re-adjust the nut.
My issue was that the Gain (at the Lever) measurement was too much (3/8 inch) and I assumed I had to keep spinning the adjuster in, wrong, too much gain requires you to back off the adjuster, that was not clear enough for me in the manual. ended up going from 1 full turn PLUS 8 tics, back to 1 full turn plus 3 TICS. Works sooooo nice now. Make sure to check your gain before every ride. Just 1/8 " at the tip of the lever. any more or less and you could be doing damage/ slipping clutch with out knowing it.

Odd, my manual I think says after break-in the setting is one turn plus two or three ticks. maybe you had a odd revision of the install guide or maybe a smudge turning 3 into 8?
it said in the manual that anything from 3 to 5 ticks was acceptable it just might go threw clutch plates a little faster at 5 ticks. thats what mine is at and it feels solid with little freeplay gain even when really hot. ive never tried it yet at 3 ticks but the way i see it is if the manual says that is still within exceptable range then ill just leave it were it is until something warrants changing.
My manual doesn't give a range:
Follow steps 16 through 20 again to reset the
installed gap, but reset to 1 full turn plus 2
tick marks for the post break-in installed gap.
This is the recommended Rekluse installed
gap setting.

if I am thinking this though, more turns is less pressure on the plates and may cause premature wear due to slippage...or is it the other way? Anyway, that is the quote from my copy, and it doesn't list a range - just suggesting that you keep an eye on things for a while.
this is what my manual has

1 turn 1 click,free play gain is more, less maintenance,better durability in long races,free play may be distracting during riding especially if clutch gets very hot.

1 turn plus 3 clicks,less free play, good balance between durability/mainenance and free play gain(there recommended setting for longevity)

1 turn plus 5 clicks maximum setting,more maintenance,not suited for long difficult races,dificult to detect free play gain.

any installed gap between 1 click and 5 clicks is a valid setting.