Route Sheet Holder - Designed to last


New member
I finally broke down and started to sell Route Sheet holders - after my first one lasted 15 minutes and my second didn't even last half a day.

The majority of the people want the 3 inch route sheet holder. I ride with the 3 inch with a RAM mount - I mount it on my bark busters since bar space is extremely limited. I also move the route sheet holder depending if I'm on a ride that I'm standing or sitting a lot - plus it's one less immovable object when gravity takes over.

The housing and knobs are made out of aluminum, the shafts are made out of Stainless Steel - so designed to handle the harsh conditions we all ride in.

Trail Rider Magazine did a review on it as well -

I'm still working on a Magnifier and back lighting -

These can be ordered through the website as well.


Active Minds Engineering
Leonard Neil
I have a BZR Route sheet holder and its great. If you look at their website they have one that you can write on the route sheet. I want to get one of these for enduro route sheeting
That's because you didn't buy a BZR route sheet holder!!!

Several of us tried to buy them and didn't have any luck in 2010 - BZR has a website ? Can someone point me to it ?

I don't like square edges - especially where I have a tendency to tip over.
Best way to get a BZR route sheet holder is to go to a NETRA enduro and ask around. The guy who makes them does it more as a hobby than anything else, so find a friend that rides NETRA and he maybe able to help you out.
Best way to get a BZR route sheet holder is to go to a NETRA enduro and ask around. The guy who makes them does it more as a hobby than anything else, so find a friend that rides NETRA and he maybe able to help you out.

That was why I ended up making my own - and only do it as a hobby as well. Mine are available on my website.
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