Should I be seeing a spark while cranking by hand? 03 EC300


New member
Hi Guys,
I thought I'd have a look at the old girl now the the lockdown is over. I can't remember how old the fuel is, but thought I'd just see if she would start. No luck. I did get a murmur, but not much. Whipped the plug out, couldn't see anything cracking by hand, but sparking if kicked, I wouldn't say it was a fat blue spark, but it's sparking. Tried a new plug, but was hard to see anything on that.

So, am I expecting too much on a hand crank? or is something not quite right?

I cleaned up the terminals on the coil and had a look in the fly wheel case, looks ok. still no better.
No would be likely. Try look in dark and kick.

Try a dash of engine start, clean out carb.