some help for the mechanically nervous....


New member
how bout this: start a large heading under the technical forum heading for documented maintenance and repair. then make sub categories of say chassis and frame, motor, transmission, suspension, carburetion, and then one for misc.
and in these categories people would post complete run throughs of maintenance they have done. i have seen alot of requests for run throughs of basic maintenance from people who are new to mechanics or (like me) familiar with mechanics, but dont want to mess anything up by accidentally forgetting to do something or not doing something right. youtube links could be posted, as well as complete walk throughs (hopefully with pictures) in easy to understand language, on how to do things like a top end on a 2 stroke, or how to change oil in the forks, or swap out the rear shock springs, all of which would be outstandingly helpful to me, as well as many others. it would be fantastic if somebody would take the extra time to document their maintenance for the aid of others. we would also put in a suggestion box for specific projects, say i needed to know how to change out my clutch plates, i could post a suggestion, and the next time somebody did it, they could take pictures or a video, and post them with detailed instructions on what exactly they did. it would help people like me out alot.
How about if you want a breakdown of a specific service, post here and ask. I'll bet you get a great response.
What are you looking to do?
oh nothing in particular. i just suggested that it be added onto the website, so that if somebody did need a breakdown of a service, there would be a specific place to stock pile and suggest them, rather than trying to find them in the different forums. so like say somebody wanted to know how to do a top end, they would post a request for instructions and somebody could document the whole thing and post it. it would be very helpful. i just suggested that there be a designated spot to post requests for service breakdowns.
There is the main web pages that contain tech articles and we have a wiki page - which would be more suitable for this sort of thing.

To me discussion forums are a terrible place to put reference material - you add a bunch of stickies at the top of forums to work around this and it just clutters things up.

Matt started work on the wiki page and it sort of fizzled after that - now that Matt is riding a small bore husky - I think that it is in limbo.

To see the work that Matt did on the gasgas riders club wiki page, look here :
