Source of carb vent filters?


New member
Someone mentioned on this forum that they used minature air filters on the four vent lines of their carb. Since these lines vent the carb, it seems like a good additional way to keep dirt/grit out of the carb.

I searched for the original post, but I couldn't find it.

Does anyone have a manufacturer/model number of a suitable miniature air filter?


I recall a thread mentioning the use of 35mm film canisters with foam inside. Maybe team Gas Gas used this configuration?
For the vents routed to the airbox, I used a small medicine container. You could use a 35mm film container too. Just put a hole in the bottom and route your vent tubes into the container. I put some pillow stuffing inside the bottle to filter, but some foam would do the same. Then, I put the cap on which had a hole in it so it could breathe.

Here is a pic of mine installed.