This website is made possible by contributions from gasgas dealers & vendors. Please join me in welcoming Rocky Ridge Motosports to the list of gasgas dealers supporting this site. Rocky Ridge Motosports is located in Alberta, Canada and is owned by Claude Giguere. Claude contributes to the forum here under the name "cladoo".
The GasGas Rider’s Club is a non-profit entity and belongs to the entire gasgas community. This community includes riders, dealers and vendors. Costs for this site are supported by contributions from both vendors and dealers. Please join me in thanking Rocky Ridge Motosports for their support of this site and welcoming them to the GasGas Rider’s Club.
The GasGas Rider’s Club is a non-profit entity and belongs to the entire gasgas community. This community includes riders, dealers and vendors. Costs for this site are supported by contributions from both vendors and dealers. Please join me in thanking Rocky Ridge Motosports for their support of this site and welcoming them to the GasGas Rider’s Club.