Star tron


New member
Hi Guys,
Just coming back to the 2 stroke world after a decade, I was wondering if you guys have tried that Star Brite tron enzyme additive?? I've run into a few guys who swear by it, I'm usually the guy who bypasses that kind of stuff as a gimmick.

Any thoughts?

Take care,
If I run into a spot where I can't get ethanol-free gas I always use StarTron just in case that gas might sit for a while.
It's got nothing to do with 2-strokes, just the ethanol-laced gas.
I've been using it this season as well. All good, no problems. I used to mix race gas with pump gas to minimize the ethanol effects but its just too expensive now. I should talk to some of the chemists here at work to see what the "enzyme" formula could possibly be. It may be something simple you could get cheap in bulk from a supplier. Octane booster is basically Toluene. You never know.
Star tron, Sta-bil, they both work pretty good. Honda and Yamaha both marketed their own variety of gas stabilizer. If in doubt, use a little extra, just don't go overboard. In the springtime or whenever you get your bike out of "storage", drain out at least half if not all the old gas. The gas you put in the bike for storage is there to keep the carb from gumming up and keep condensation out of the tank. If you know you absolutely, positively will be draining out the old gas you can use a greater amount of oil(20:1, 16:1 ?). The reason for more oil is that if/when the gas evaporates it will leave behind an oily residue. The oil won't turn to "varnish" and the extra oil makes it difficult for anything to stick to the brass or aluminum. On the subject of octane booster, Toluene will raise the octane but it isn't the same as what you find in mothballs. Gasoline typically has some Platformate/ Reformate that is used to bring up the octane, unfortunately it also has a very low vapor pressure. Refineries also use something called FRC, Full Range Crack, a product that comes off the "Cat Cracker", which is one of the highest octane blends. Regular unleaded has some and premium has a lot more. As long as you use some type of name brand stabilizer you should be fine.
I think this is what my company sells for all 2-strokes,, chain saws, backpack blowers etc.. the new crap fuel here in the US is leading to a very high % of failures in small engines/2-stokes and the fuel additive for fighting ethanol does work.. the manufactures of many small engines say you cannot run ethanol fuel at all or not without this.. HD does not recommend the current 10% in their v-twins.. runs too hot/lean.. burns up the engines and on carburated units it actually "burns" the brass black in the carbs..
That stuff is huge here in Hawaii, we sell it at the shop.
I use it in everything, lawn equip, pressure washer and bikes.
It's good stuff.
It will clear a slightly gummed up carb...give it time to work though because you won't see results right away.
If the carb is bad, you'll still probably need to hand clean it.
just a note,, star tron is not alcohol based,, if you see a ethanol based fuel treatment stay away.. it will make everything worse..
It will clear a slightly gummed up carb...give it time to work though because you won't see results right away.
I find that Seafoam does a better job at that. At least on the chainsaws I've worked on. I replace the fuel with fresh mix and an "overdose" of Seafoam and run the saw at low rpms just long enough to get the new mix into the carb. then let it sit for an hour or three. Replace the fuel and check for results.
If that doesn't work then a carb. rebuild is in order.