Supermotard 250 idle screw effect


New member
hi all,

i have a supermotard 250, and it never ticked over, i always assumed it just never had a tick over feature in the carb with it being a competition bike.

anyways i was looking through the manual and it reconed the big screw with black plastic end on whats on a spring was to adjust the tick over, i originally assumed this was the air mixture screw, however manual said different.

so i screw this fully in, ta dar it now ticks over was well impressed......till i rode it!

was fine bottom end but top end was shit, not right at all.

i assumed the plug was sutted up from idling for too long so fitted a new one, still no joy!

i have since moved this black screw back out a bit and it seems to be better altho i have not tested it properly yet as my mate came over on his dr250 and it split a oil hose so we had more important stuff to do their.

can anyone please tell me what this screw is, and how many turns out i should have on it? my altitude is about 10 meters above sea level when the tide is out and the temperature is about 10 to 25 C


When you screw the idle screw in, you are raising the slide.
This changes the position of the needle in reference to the main jet.
Lower the clip one notch and retry the idle setting.
I've got the same bike and mine only ever ticks over on the odd occasion. Very temperamental in that respect. I gave up trying to get it to tick over weeks ago and just blip or hold the throttle whenever I'm at a standstill.
A pain in the arse but I've gotten used to it.