Supplied jets


New member
I ordered a smart carb and do not want to spend any remaining money on different jets for now. OF my supplied jets and needle is there a better set up I should look into than what came in the bike stock? Will be running slightly above seal level at 40-50f degrees. I do not know much of jetting at all and absolutely don't know what came with the bike or how its set up currently. Just looking to band aid it for now. It slightly burbles off idle until you clean the bike out with a little throttle.
p.s. sorry for the stupid sounding question, I know nothing of how to jet
The good news is you'll get solid advice from the guys on this board...they're helping me on my 200 :D

Given your description, the first thing I'd try is simply turning the air screw out. Actually, you need to know where it is right now, so turn it all the way in and count the number of turns. Based on that figure, back it out another .5 to 1 turn from where it was and see how she responds.

If it's still giving you a burble, might need a leaner pilot jet (which is something I'm planning to do on my 200). You'd need to know what's in there and then go 1 step lower (or more). I'm switching from a 42 pilot to 40 in the hope to clear up some pipe drool.