Timing problem???


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Riding last week we were about 800 to 1000 ft above sea level (maybe), I did not re jet but jetting seemed ok as weather was cooler than normal.
A mate rode the bike and happened to have a go where there was a lot of flowing corners and managed to get high in the revs in top gear on the summer setting.
While doing this the motor started pinging .
A good mate said this was a timing problem as on the rain setting it was ok, which it was.
My question ( without checking), is whether or not the timing is adjustable and whether or not this is trhe problem.
Has anyone had the same problem?
Cheers Mark
Mine would do the same thing.

Ron @ RB-Designs advised me to go to a bigger main jet.
I had a 180 main.
Went to a 182 and the pinging went away
Thanks for that I will try it Gas gas man.
I too have a 180 main.
Cheers Mark
Also, When I was riding at about 1/3rd throttle and cracked it wide open it would bog or die until I wound it back and fed it on slowly.
Same prob or not, seemed like it was almost too rich( like riding with choke on).
I will get a jetting kit anyway as I want to have a bit of a play but am still interested to know whether the timing is adjustable or not.
Thanks again guys,
yes, the stator plate has elongated holes to adjust the timing. You might try moving it the same as the crank rotation a small bit in order to retard the timing. Let us know the result as I have been wanting to do it to my bike (minor pinging when really hot and being worked hard) but have been too lazy to pull the flywheel to try it.
Good luck if you can adjust it on the stator plate. I tried this on mine and could only get about a 2 deg of movement in retard. Forget what stopped it now. There was a special elongated washer that I had to remove to get any movement.
So what did you end up doing?

Retarded by 2 deg only!
To get more would've required drilling the casings or some elaborate fabrication. But I wasn't doing it to stop pinking, I just wanted to soften the response. You should check yours, mine was an 03 motor - yours may be different.