Tire section apart from Chassis & Body


Silver Level Site Supporter
Don't know if this has been proposed before , and yes i know there is hundreds of choices out there for different tires and different terrain and different riding style , But maybe a Tire section would be a good place to discuss this , as we all have different opinions of choice. And we all know that the right tire for the right place and rider can make a huge difference to the overall experience. Plus it would be a good place as to a heads up where good deals can be found and such. I know i look at the forum to see what others think and their reasons why and where they use them and what they expect to get from them , before i try one. Or maybe make a sticky section at the top of the Category Chassis & Body , where riders could post up what they have on there bikes and sizes and pressures they run , and what terrain they ride like the Jetting Database ? Don't know if I'm off my rocker here , but I'm throwing it out there none the less
I'd be curious as to see in a database format as to what seems to be the popular choices at a quicker glance than a full search and a lot of reading. I don't mind searching and reading , but this might help , What do ya think ?

I think it's a great idea. One place to go for some quick thorough info. Also include the different tube/non-tube choices we've been reading about. For instance, the Nuetech system Eric and Mike have reported on, has made the knobby tire more productive, possibly negating the use of the trials tire.
Well , i guess after 118 views and only 1 reply , this must not be a good idea
Hey , it was a suggestion tho

Sorry I missed this, I think its a fine idea. If you would like, set up a template in Chassis and Body and we can make it a sticky like the Jetting Database if it has interest.
Hey i would love to set up a template , but , i wouldn't have the first clue on how to do it . I AM COMPUTER DUMB ! Forums and the internet in general is all i can really do. Maybe someone with knowledge on how to do it could be kind of enough to help out ?
Thanks , Steve
Steve, ill make up a template if you want.
something like this maybe

inflation device(tube, tubliss, mousse etc)-
terrain ridden-
how well did it work-
how well the tyre lasted-
any other notes-

bike (model and year)-
skill level-

would you buy another?

I like the Tire Database Idea, too !

I have trouble deciding on a tire, I guess I don't have enough
feel for what the tire is doing :o so I would like to know what others like.