Torquing Bolts


New member
I just bought my '04 EC300 used and put a top end in it, and was wondering if there's a trick to getting a torque wrench on the bolts that are inside the Power valve. I guesstimated torque on them, but I'd like to torque them properly if it's possible.

Also, anyone know what the proper torque is to tighten the forks in the triple clamps? They're Ohlins if it matters.
iirc the right side pv bolt is a 12mm. hmm maybe it was 13?? I took a 12mm box end and open end wrench and took a dremel to the open and made it wide enough to fit the 1/2 "chuck" of my torque wrench. bingo ... torque wrenc extender. If it is 13 then the open end of a 13 mm wrench will hold the 1/2" chuck perfectly.

Keep in mind if you use an extender you have to recalculate the torque setting. Instructions for this are on motion pros site