Tree nap

The deep oblique rut that I failed to jump(and low rpm/steep bog) was the reason I accidentally stood the bike up. It was a nice resting spot though.

another less graceful climb from earlier last sunday;

I need to figure out the low rpm bog in steep terrain, been driving me crazy
That's a genuine 'Di-Limma'
Last season on a NCTR ride at Albany, Wyo., I recorded an O/B wedged in between (3) trees, after 20 minutes of wrangling, I thought we were going to have to cut down a tree to get the bike free.
The crashes/get offs are the only reason I run a helmet cam nowdays. Because when I'm riding, something dumb is bound to happen!

Bluespark it was good to get to talk to you the other day at peach. The weather was almost perfect. Hope u guys had a great time, we sure did, and hope u are liking the new ride :-)