Wake up call


New member
Had a good wakeup call today out riding. I was blasting through some sand whoops, right along the edge trying to find some smoother ground. Anyways, I hit a planted rock and got tossed over the bars in 4th gear tapped. I was tossed pretty hard and the bike came down on top of me, smacking me in the back of the head. I got a mouthful of sand, but seemed alright. I bent another mounting bolt for my barkbusters (don't get me started - this is becoming a regular occurance when I get ejected over the bars) but no other damage to the bike.

I got home later this evening and could barely walk. Turns out when I got pitched off the bike my right leg tried to hyperextend at the knee. I started wearing Asterisk Cell knee braces this season and that one crash paid for them. What happened is the knee braces prevented my knee from hyper extending and instead applied pressure to my quad and shin. The shin is fine but the quad is very sore and will likely get a bruise. Some people claim this is bad since I could have potentially broken my femur. Personally, I think I'd rather break my femur than blow out a knee. As I'm already booked for the ISDE this year, a knee injury would've cost me a lot of money (I already have flights, hotel, rental vehicle, etc booked). A lot more than the $500-700 for the braces. I also wear a Leatt brace which has paid for itself 5 fold this season due to some nasty crashes.

So, as someone who has no affiliation with any protective equipment companies, GET SOME GEAR! A lot of people complain about the cost of all this gear (it is expensive) but it's a lot cheaper than taking time off work due to injury or being crippled for the rest of your life. We only get one body for life, so try and take care of it!

Happy and safe riding to you all!

I have a friend that wore Asterisk's and his femur broke because they didn't. He was off riding nearly 2 years and he still has a limp. My CTi's are designed to break before your femur does. I agree that you can't wear enough saftey gear also! Good to hear your crash wasn't as serious as it could have been.
Glad it was not more serious.

We gear up as best we can, but have to expect to take injuries now and then. Usually when you least expect it and things are otherwise going well. Its like paying a tab every so often for the good times in between. Only riders understand this. Hopefully I'm paid up far in advance!!

Oh, and you do not want to break a femur. I never did but those I know who have say its the worst thing besides a spinal injury. Major surgery, long rehab, and most of the time a second surgery to remove the hardware. I'm dealing with rehab of cut muscle for a clavicle plate install and it sucks, I can only imagine rehab of what it takes to install a rod in your femur. I'll take an ACL any day, out patient surgery, walking in days, riding in months.
...you do not want to break a femur. I never did but those I know who have say its the worst thing besides a spinal injury.
Add to that the risk of severing the femural artery. Although, in that case you probably won't have to worry about a long recovery. :(
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yup gear is good!! after the last couple of bad crashes i've had,I'm thinking about a michelin man style suit with a inflatable setup hooked to a rip cord tied to my butt and back fender! so when ever those 2 items become separated by more than about 18 inches ,i turn into the bouncy/floaty airbag man, not the piled up lump with his face dug into the dirt that I'm used to!! now that would be technology,my friends!
I too believe in the best protective gear you can buy. the only things I haven't bought is a neck brace and good knee braces. I had fair shin knee guards, took a get off from a small jump, tore my acl for a second time, had surgery on friday with them finding divots at the base of my femur, they drilled holes in the femur to stimulate cartilage growth. now instead of walking in a couple of days I'm on crutches with no weight bearing for 6 weeks. knee braces look like a wonderful bargain right now compared to not riding for 6 months many $1000 doctor bills and time off of work.
Did you look something like this as you were going over?

Good to hear you are OK, are you getting ready for the Dez 100?


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