Wanted: Scotts standard/flat (40mm) linkage arm


New member
Hey folks,

I'm looking to buy a standard (40mm) linkage arm for a Scotts damper. The arm is also called "Flat" (eventhough there is one step in it [to clear the body of the damper]). I beleive that's the standard arm when Scotts are shipped.

I originally bought my damper for a Honda as a package, and it had a very long arm. And then I bought a 40mm "stepped" arm to work with my above-the-bars Fastway FIT mount. But now I'm going with an underbar mount, and I would prefer to use a flat arm in order to maximize the height of my tower (as I have to cut it down).

Since we all seem to be "cleaning out the garage" lately :rolleyes: , I thought I'd ask y'all for a used part before ordering new from Scotts. So, if you've ever changed your Scotts linkage arm to work with your non-standard mount, I may be able to use what you're not.

