Weak spark


New member
Hey guys. I?ve been using this site for years to maintain and work on my 2012 300. Took the bike around the block and it just died. Thought it was getting no spark so I tried using a ktm 300 coil new plug n wire to see if that was the problem. Kicked it once and it started, idled rough and cut off after 30 seconds. Put the old coil back on and noticed it is getting spark, just extremely weak. I?ve already cleaned my grounds, checked the stator and its spotless,no rust or corrosion. checked for shorted wires and have gotten no where. I?m at a loss. Has anyone got any insight on what this could be?
I'd vote stator too. multimeter wont pick up wires that almost touch but do when they are warm. Mine failed in similar fashion.
You need a peak voltage adapter to measure its output well enough to say if it is ok. It should be able to pump out at least 100 volts and the source coil and about 5-7 volts for the pick up. It very much sound like a weak stator. Also disconnect the kill switch to rule that out.
Sometimes you can unscrew the cap, trim off a bit, then screw the cap back on so it's got a nice fresh connection.
You need a peak voltage adapter to measure its output well enough to say if it is ok. It should be able to pump out at least 100 volts and the source coil and about 5-7 volts for the pick up. It very much sound like a weak stator. Also disconnect the kill switch to rule that out.

Thankyou for those specs. Killswitch has already been disconnected. Just ordered a peak voltage adapter should be in by tomorrow. I?m pretty bad when it comes to electrical stuff so I really appreciate the help
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Anyone know where I can get a damn stator for this thing? Again it?s a 2012 ec300e headlight tail and signal lights? Not a single shop in New York will touch this thing