Just wanted to let you all know that I am having a problem with my web-site right now. Apparently my dedicated host server "value-web" has a really big problem right now. My server space and server apparently has gone down. This is not my fault other than I pay them for my service and they have let me down!
What little infomation that they have retrieved so far back in 2004 which is very out dated information.
Please feel free to e-mail me at
Thank you for understanding and I am sorry for any problems that you may have had in the past week or so (due to Value-Web, my paid dedicated server and my paid for service).
Thank you,
Just wanted to let you all know that I am having a problem with my web-site right now. Apparently my dedicated host server "value-web" has a really big problem right now. My server space and server apparently has gone down. This is not my fault other than I pay them for my service and they have let me down!
What little infomation that they have retrieved so far back in 2004 which is very out dated information.
Please feel free to e-mail me at
Thank you for understanding and I am sorry for any problems that you may have had in the past week or so (due to Value-Web, my paid dedicated server and my paid for service).
Thank you,