Welcome to the GasGas Rider's Club!


Staff member
Welcome to the GasGas Rider's Club!
This site was created several years ago with input from many gasgas owners around the world when we needed a spot that was dealer and vendor neutral. A place where information could be stored that was valuable to every gasgas owner and dealer. A place where a dealer could send his customers (and prospective buyers) to see the wealth of aftermarket products available for the gasgas. And send them here without fear of having their business taken away by an internet vendor.

It has always been free of advertisements from vendors or dealers to avoid bias and to maintain this "neutrality". This site is "non-profit" and will continue to be so. You will see dealer profiles and recognition of dealers who sponsor this site. All dealers are welcome to sponsor this site for a very nominal fee in order to cover site costs.

When Smackover Motorsports closed their doors (where I maintained their website and forum) - I received many requests to start a discussion forum in a "neutral location" (non-dealer site). After considering the benefit that could be provided to the gasgas dealer network and gasgas owner's worldwide - we decided to move forward with creating a discussion forum on gasgasrider.org. A place where all gasgas owners and dealers can come and share their knowledge. And where all GasGas owners can talk about all the great local GasGas dealers that need our support in order to thrive and survive.

It is hoped that the gasgas rider's club will be more than just another discussion forum. An on-line magazine and technical resource for all gasgas owners and dealers worldwide. But, what it becomes over time is really up to you - it's your website.

Thanks and Welcome,
Jeff Dunham
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A BIG thank you needs to go to Jeff for all of his hard work setting up this new website and forum. This site has a strong foundation for becoming a great asset for GasGas riders. We have tried our best to include a broad range of forum categories that will be beneficial for both new and experienced members.

I would like to encourage everyone to actively contribute and share their knowledge. All of us have learned something which is beneficial to someone else. I also encourage everyone to contribute Technical Articles on topics you feel are important to preserve. If you don't want to "author" one yourself, you could always post a suggestion topic and we can see if another member will volunteer.

I would like to point out that the main website has numerous additions (such as more manuals, reference information, aftermarket parts, dealer directory, etc.). Please take time to look around. I believe folks new to GasGas will be surprised at the level of support available for our bikes. We are not just another "exotic" brand anymore.

As closing remarks...
I hope that all users of this forum maintain the utmost respect for each other. GasGas riders are a unique bunch of folks. We have continually helped each other without any expectations in return. We have been kind to each other and never "bashed" other members. I have been a member of other forums (such as Dirtrider.net, Thumpertalk, etc.) and while the knowledge gained there has been useful... there is a lot of hostility amongst their members. We do not want to become like those places!

I will be helping to moderate this forum. I do not anticipate any problems here, but in the event of an inappropriate post... please click the "report post" button and we will take the necessary actions.

Thank you for joining our club! :D
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Thank you Jeff for setting this up.
Everyone, spread the word!!!!!!

Gas Gas riders are like family members.
No matter where you go, you can always walk up to a Gas Gas rider and start a conversation.

So, can we expet to see a "Gas Gas rider's club" bike in the Dirt Rider magazine shoot out?:eek:
Thanks Jeff
On a note, I think there are way too many forums. On smackover, 90% of posts were on the technical forum.
It is quite tedious to check every forum for new messages.
I do like the riders geograhical area setup, though.

Cheers and well done.
Question for Jeff.

Are you going to port all the old posts from smackover to here ?

kim said:
Thanks Jeff
On a note, I think there are way too many forums. On smackover, 90% of posts were on the technical forum.
It is quite tedious to check every forum for new messages.
I do like the riders geograhical area setup, though.

Cheers and well done.

Click on "today's posts" at the top menu to see recent posts. You can also use advanced search to show recent posts back a period of time - for instance, if you don't visit the board for two weeks, etc.

The advantage of having "too many forums" is to assist in searching - when you want to find something out about suspension - you can just search that forum - versus returning "hits" from the entire board. I think you will find it advantageous after this board has been up and running for a few years.


[ on edit ] I took another look at it and pared the number of forums down. They will be easy to add back in if we decide we want them later. If you have any other suggestions about you want your website to look - please let me know in the suggestions forum (I decided to keep that one!).
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The updated site looks great! I believe the update gasgasrider.org will be the resource it always should have been.
Thanks for all the work on the last board and this one too. Glad your still involved with gasgas's
Steve C
Thanks Jeff,

The only thing that bothered me about going Gas Gas over KTM was the amazing amount of info available at KTM talk. Hopefully this site will continue to grow and make that a moot point.

Hi all,

Welcome to the new board!

Jeff has done a great job, lets continue to support this site as we have done in the past with Talking Smack.
I'm in...Glad to be here.

Finally got registered.
Jeff, thanks for all the work. Glad to see the Gas Gas community alive and kickin.
Thanks Jeff from a newby to this site. Very glad I found it. I can tell U put a lot of time,energy and skill into this project. Bob
Gas Gas back up

The main reason i brought a Gas Gas was i went looking for feedback on them first and this where i found all i needed to know.Keep up the great work and i'd like to mention my dealer in Perth Western Australia cause the bikes are still known as one of those bikes but he still stocks and sells them cheers Pete At Tyres For Bikes.:D
Thanks for all the effort on the web site. I would not be ridding a gasser if it weren't for this site, great info. & disscusions here.
I just wanted to post that of all the forums I visit, this group of guys is without a doubt the best, most helpful, respectful, unpretentious group I have ever come across. GasGas owners help constructively advise other owners or potential owners, and the USA importer monitors the site and jumps in to help when needed. This is more like the GasGas Brotherhood. Of course it doesn't hurt thaat the group basically exists because GasGas makes the Holy Grail of enduro bikes with the 300.
Thanks to Jeff and all the people on this site.
I , like others would not be riding my gasser if it were not for this site.
Merry xmas to all,

Thanks for the great site! I have owned quite a few bikes over the last few years.....KTM 250 EXC, Husaberg 501....ETC. My first ride was today on my Gas Gas 300EC......Yes it's a 99, but very clean and WOW what a tractable motor and nice suspension. I'm hooked now and will be riding GG for a long time to come! Thanks for the info here and the great members!!!!!
Torben Sorensen
I just joined the site and wanted my first post to be a big thanks for having a site where I can learn and share about the Gas Gas motorcycles; thanks.