Went to local Rieju Dealer Today and Was Stunned: 2025 Bikes Have Shipped


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As the title says, I went to a local dealer that is new to Rieju and SWM and asked him if he had any news on the 2025 Riejus. He told me they were set to arrive on Tuesday of this coming week! He showed me his invoice and, sure enough, it said 2025 Six Days 300. If he does get one, I will try and get some pictures.

(edit) Well, it looks like the 2025 6 Days model is based off the 2024 platform. I think the dealer will be a bit upset as he believed it would be the new motor.
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The video does show the 2025 Six Days to have the new engine. But, you can clearly see a kick lever.
Well, if the weather is not too bad here tomorrow (we are supposed to get some snow), I may take a trip down to the dealer and check it out.
Weird that a dealer doesn't know that history. I toured that factory with my family in june 2007. One of the highlights of my motorcycle history. Great people, great motorcycles, great country.
Weird that a dealer doesn't know that history. I toured that factory with my family in june 2007. One of the highlights of my motorcycle history. Great people, great motorcycles, great country.
Well, not really that weird...He's from Eastern Europe and has a mobile motorcycle repair business and recently moved into a small shop area in Denver. He's taken on SWM from CPD and I think he got Rieju's situation confused with that. Simple mistake due to a non-native language barrier.
Fair enough - Husky/Cagiva factory in Italy. Thanks for the clarification. Didn't mean to disparage a dealer.
No worries, didn't take it that way! He seems like a good guy who is building his business from the ground up by servicing bikes. I hope it works out for him!
I’ve owned 4 businesses the last one the most successful and the others not so much ! But like the fact that today I am married to the same girl for 43 years if you love something and persevere success usually follows. When I started I screwed up a lot but like my marriage I kept at it . So I sure hope he has a plan and is willing to work it because if he does he will be fine . As far as staying married pick the rite ride at least for the first few decades , then make sure she lets you have a lot of great motorcycles to ride . That has been my plan and it has worked out so far !