Where to ride


New member
Hey guys im from lincoln uk an i have a 2000 ec250 im just wondering if there is anyone from arond my area on here that knows anywere local to ride/practice. I dont get my driving licence back until january so im struggling to get anywere with the bike to just get a feel for her before my first enduro in july
GreatBritishRob (rob) is just down the road from you, he's just bought a 300 and knows your area well, I'm sure he will chime in here, but you could try sending him a PM.
As Todd says, i live in Lincolnshire and its dire for riding bikes, most anti bike area ive ever lived in. Saying that, were out on Sunday, not quite sure yet but i'll keep you informed. As long as you dont whinge like Todds mate Lawrence:D