Wicked crash results

i just pulled myself up from under the desk...I don't rememer what just happened...it was just fade to black...
A number of years ago my riding club at our invitational trail ride had a guy put a stick(small) thru his arm.. then there was that time I took GMP riding.... His stick had to be removed at the hospital,, and it was a good size...
I have seen an incident a lot like this one, but in my case the guy did not crash. He was riding in a thick wooded area at a good pace, and he got a branch jabbed into the side of his temple. It went between his goggles and his helmet.
That happened to my brother once but it just went between his head and helmet, and a friend got his airboot skewered, right behind his leg. Sticks give me the creeps ever since I was impaled. I always back it down a notch trail riding through stuff like blow downs and dead pines with all the spears. Races are usually not an issue as the trail is cleared well, at least of the dangerous stuff. Its the unmaintained and poached:D trails that you have to worry about.
Riding in Southern Mississippi once with a buddy and I came around a corner and he was slumped over his bike with a sharpened pine sapling trunk stuck about two feet out the back of his helmet. It was about one inch in diameter where it came out the back of his helmet between the helmet and his neck. It was still rooted on the other end. I didn't want to see what had happened. He ask for help so I knew he was still alive. Upon going around in front of him, I saw that it had entered the helmet just beside his left eye and scraped along the side of his head and then came out the back. Now he was trapped and could not get off his bike or even fall down. I removed his helmet to find only a scraped ear! Lucky rider!
Wow thats gross, never been stabbed (close a few times) but have been Vined several times. Once I thought my nose was relocated to the side of my face turns out it wasn't but plenty of blood to clean up.