I am also looking for a fuel tank for my 300. I put a new petcock on but I can't get a good seal between the tank and the petcock. It had been sitting for several years and the molded piece where it mates up to the tank is a bit bulged out. Just wondering if you had any luck in finding a tank.
Thi Guy have some new gas tanks for sale: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1806674559653095/user/100005313438244/?__cft__[0]=AZWPlz7LELe0OujkbYWDOkrISAxr6Y3LOnuMqmRs1OmrW4uKtV7y6tnWjmwD9xcR4oGB2ad3GthfnHKyOtgco8N5CQamxfcKNLv4H6bhyh-PuAfkeEOcYvU__Y8aweLqCLWqMXhiQl9FFA_SZhB8bMSu_I25kVowKYgwkqDx2vay_EibnsYAtd8ORy4muinv05Q&__tn__=R]-R