winter jetting

skid jackson

New member
might do a little winter riding this year.
currently running 45 pilot 2 turns out (i think), 180 main, clip in the middle, cck needle. What would be good for 20 degree to 40 degrees (mostly 20 to 30 dergrees fahrenheit)
Hello, what jetting would you suggest for me, the winter in Finland can be pretty harsh, here's been around -20 C lately but I only ride when it is about -10 C (14 Fahrenheit) or warmer. -4F is a little on the cold side :D

My current jetting is 40 pilot jet, 182 main and standard needle at middle position. When riding on ice in a foot deep snow wide open I'm afraid it runs way lean (probably shouldn't really ride like that, but it's waay to fun to avoid :D), but in the woods it runs just fine. So if you have any experience riding in similar conditions help would be much appreciated.
Jet rich and work your way down.

I would start 1 up on the pilot with the airscrew 1/2 turn out from closed. You may want to lower the needle clip 1 position. Go up at least 2 sizes on the main.

After you get it warmed up, check the spark plug immediately after a hard full throttle run. If it is medium to dark brown you are rich enough. If it is very light tan, you may want to richen it up.