wrist problems


New member
Does anyone out there have a method by which a guy can make his wrists stronger? mine always crap out when i ride and that it difficult to go for a longer ride/race. Do wrist braces help? or do they get in the way of gloves? any suggestions would be most welcome.
I don't know about making the wrist stronger but I have a lot of pain in my wrist from arthritis and I made a brace that totally prohibits wrist movement and I installed a thumb throttle. It works. I still have some pain but at least now I can ride. CITI makes a wrist brace that can totally restrict wrist movement or limit it to a set degree.
I am using this http://www.powerballs.com/ at my physiotherapists to get my hand/wrist back into shape after my CTS release surgery and it works. Does it ever give your wrist and forearm a workout! May be good for guys who get arm pump also! After about 90 seconds my wrist and arm were very tired. I am thinking of getting one for home.
I think about the best thing out there is the Flexx Bars from Fasst Company. Almost everyone who uses them comments on how easy on the wrists thay are. Kinda pricey but not if it keeps you comfy all day riding. Can't really put a price on that.

Tons of info,reviews, bar setups/handguard mount options over at KTM Talk for the Flexx bars by the way.

Here is a review from Racer X Canada for you



Skidad in MA
I have one of these powerballs,, works great but seldom use it as my dogs freak out and attack my hand trying to get to it.. Broke two so far, if you loose grip and they hit the floor they usually shatter big time if at a high rpm. Something about the noise gets the dogs going..
Its the frequency. My dog would destroy that in minutes if she got it. She can pop tennis balls now, had to get "special" thick ones. Maybe I'll try squeezing those?

Spend time getting your forks as good as they can be. Not only will you not get beat up, but an improved ride inspires confidence and you will tend not to hold on so tight.
Wrists have been my weak link for years. They would hurt going over the rough choppy ground.

Some years back I started wrapping my wrists with elastic bandages. No more wrist pain or soreness when I ride. The elastic bandages are inexpensive and work very well for me.

The only downside is that it makes fitting gloves on more difficult. I get gloves with the velcro wrist closures.
My wrists are like iron, particularly my right one. Sorry I couldn't resist.

Paul B

Seriously though I have the Boysen shockout on my bike and I think it helps with fatigue
I'm planning on working on the forks this winter,, but its not holding on too tight,, my hands go numb driving my ford van too. I seem to pass the shocky test for CT synd. so I'm suposed to get checked out for a pinched nerve in the neck.. or something..
Try those wrister gloves I got 4 rides on em & my wrists are pain free. My right would get pain from riding or using it a lot at work. I used to swing a hammer for a living & my right is a bit weak. But with those gloves I never feel a thing.
I know this is an old thread but i thought i would put my two pence worth in,

I started riding off road just over a year ago, when i first started my wrists used to really cripple me, it felt like the bones were rubbing together, for days after riding it was the same,
I had some boxing wraps and thought i would try them wrapping up right around my hand and wrist they worked a treat, I used them every ride for around six months then stopped, I have no trouble now,

I can only assume that my wrists became stronger.

Its a cheap option.
Basically like a cloth tape which you wrap around your wrist and hand to help support your wrist and hand when boxing,They give heaps of support if wound correctly.
Cheers Mark
Try ace elastic bandages. They work very well for me. I can wrap them as tight or loose as I want. They provide great wrist support without resticting range of movement.