Recent content by gasmonaut

  1. G

    Fuel Economy

    i have own 4 ec300 (-04 , -05 , -06 , -07 ) and i do race with them quite much, about 20+ races /year. i burn about 5,4 litres / hour fuel with them as average. (1400 litres /year) fuel consumption on a healthy ec300 is about 4,5 litres/hour on a average C class rider and about 5 litres on a...
  2. G

    what spec of Ohlins on 07 Gassers

    öhlins the front is a 48 exf with .41 springs and the rear is a old model s46 pr1c2 with a .50 spring on smaller model and .52 on ec300
  3. G

    Looking for DID front rim

    not sure about front rim but it`s not possible to do rear rim a swap from DID to EXCEL . the hole pattern to spockets in the rim is different. i did crack a DID rim on my 2006 ec300 and the dealer did have both rims stock. took both home and did that discovery of hole patterns.
  4. G

    Good results for EC250/300 in Master Enduro test

    stupidity with the test was (finnish bike magazine) that specs was very wrong on allmost everyone bike. -in the finals every one of the bikes has same hp figure (36,5 hp/ 11 280 rpm) -ktm 250exc 2 stroke (101,7 kg) was over 5 kg lighter than 300cc model (107 kg) ? ktm 300exc 2 stroke had...
  5. G

    07 EC300 Stock Spring Rates?

    on my european 2007 ec300 there was a 52 rear spring (öhlins) and 410 front spring (marchocci) as factory equipment. changed the front to a öhlins unit asap it arrived so no riding was done with the marchocci.
  6. G

    Exhaust Clearance at rear pipe mount

    away it did go. (the upper pipe mount) i use onlu the lower mount and flange springs to keep the exhaust on place and it just work fine. i think it put a little more stress to the muffler mount . the 2007 has that same issue but the muffler mount is much more rigid so maybe it will hold...
  7. G

    04' 300EC Ignition Problems ?

    i have seen few of those burned iginition stators (ec and exc:s). all tree had a similar problem on the stator coil . the black coil was bubbled and they didn`t take full rpm:s on WOT. I think you have the problem in the carb or the reeds.
  8. G

    '07 ride report??

    and a small point to my ride report. my bike has öhlins front/öhlins rear (both..2006 and 2007)
  9. G

    '07 ride report??

    i have own a 2004,2005,2006 and 2007 ec300. as present i have a 2006 and 2007 ec300 and biggest differences between thos are 2007 has a very narrow and hard seat 2007 does not vibrate so much that 2006 2007 has much more rigid rear section of frame 2007 is more quiet than 2006 2007 engine...
  10. G

    Side Stand Mod, help needed

    supermotos has a shorter kickstand for lean the supermoto quite much and if you put 18-19/21 on the bike my guess will be that it do not keep the bike standing at all.
  11. G

    chain tensioner

    the gasgas style chain guard is superb in design to those "honda style" guards. it works very fine in a motocross or very light enduro usage but on a really "suomienduro" (finland style enduro) the roller fron gasgas is only way to go. here they buy gasgas or husqvarna guards on every one...
  12. G

    Dual map CDI on 250

    on a 300 ec the "sunny" map feels much more snappy than the "rain" map . the sunny map is something like a motocross style map with a wery noticeable strong snappy pull in amiddle of RPM range. that rainy map is then something to use in a slippery muddy terrain where wheelspin is hard to...
  13. G

    ISDE Starts Today!

    wohooo... team finland won the whole sixdays by a quite huge marginal :D first in all classes and ahola was second in E2. over 13 min difference to france. 3 time hurray.. it was sad thing that david knight was not there riding ISDE because david and juha (salminen) is those two fastest...
  14. G

    ISDE Starts Today!

    Day5 Enduro 1 1 Salminen Juha / Finland 2 Albergoni Simone / Italy 3 Germain Marc / France 5 Remes Eero / Finland 7 Pohjamo Petri / Finland Enduro 2 1 Aro Samuli / Finland 2 Merriman Stefan / Australia 3 Ahola Mika / Finland 7 Mattila Jari / Finland Enduro 3 1 Tarkkala Marko /...
  15. G

    ISDE Starts Today!

    team Finland seems that we have a weak team in Finland. Mika Ahola Samuli Aro Jari Mattila Petri Pohjamo Juha Salminen Marko Tarkkala :D