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Over the last few years of racing Gas Gas 300's I've had a real problem with exhausts rubbing into my Gas tank at the upper pipe mount. One tip over on the exhaust side, pipe not even dented, but yet, now the upper pipe mount is out of the recessed area of the gas tank and digging into the tank.
I'm talking a few mm out and its digging in. Part of the problem is the back of the mount is not flat but actually protrudes out, and has some sharp edges. The other problem is the recessed area of the tank gives little tolerance to movement if things do get a bit out of wack, cause the recessed are is not very wide. It hasn't made that much of a difference what pipe or guard I've used. But I will say the stock 06 pipe with the stamped GG logo stayed true longest.
Anyone else experience this and if so were you able to figure out a way to prevent it from rubbing. And yes, I know I need to quit crashing!
Les at LTR said he thought a CR 250 mount might ad some clearance, he is gonna see what he can do to help alleviate the problem while he is going through my bike from top to bottom getting it ready for next season.I decided I won't be gettin a new scoot for 07 just a revamped 06.Cant wait to see the 08's!

Anyone else experience this and if so were you able to figure out a way to prevent it from rubbing. And yes, I know I need to quit crashing!

Les at LTR said he thought a CR 250 mount might ad some clearance, he is gonna see what he can do to help alleviate the problem while he is going through my bike from top to bottom getting it ready for next season.I decided I won't be gettin a new scoot for 07 just a revamped 06.Cant wait to see the 08's!