Recent content by Jakobi

  1. Jakobi

    Bottom end failure - 2018 EC300

    You people scare me! I'm only half way to the kms/hours indicated here.. but have owned the bike since new (late 2018). Embarrassed I haven't been riding much at all.
  2. Jakobi

    EC300 2018 Knock on steady revs 🤦*♂️🤦*♂️

    Certainly get it at under this scenario.. What I have found will reduce it is running your idle as low as possible.
  3. Jakobi

    Bottom end failure - 2018 EC300

    I've drowned numerous bikes and got away with it. I've also seen a few pumpkins take a lung full of slop through the filter and fail to finish the ride. One on pull down had worn the rings so far out of spec they wouldn't even hold themselves in the cylinder anymore. Lots of variables involved.
  4. Jakobi

    check engine light 2018 EC300 dash computer

    Near certain that it does a check on start up. Shows and then clears. If it stays on it'll mean you have a code logged. Need to use a scanner with appropriate connection to find codes.
  5. Jakobi

    Kickstart ratchet pinion and kickstart spring alignment for tension question

    And for reference, this is where I set the spring at rest. Took some effort to bring it right around but the kicker recoils all the way as expected.
  6. Jakobi

    EC 250 to 300

    The 250 and 300 heads use the same support brackets. The cylinders use the same powervalve assembly.
  7. Jakobi

    show off your GasGas

    Hahah! Australia! Doesn't look like QLD.. Looks more NSW-ish to me...
  8. Jakobi

    2018 ec 300 rich

    No worries. I think you'll find a vast improvement. Don't forget to double check the float height and carb alignment while changing the needle out. Cheers and Merry Christmas
  9. Jakobi

    Ec200 hesitation stutter

    rag in the air intake.. coil? stator? breather for fuel tank?
  10. Jakobi

    hard enduro powervalve setting

    I haven't even tried to adjust it on my 2018. Last 2 ggs before that didn't have the function so just rode it. Like everything, it's personal preference. Also one of many variables. Gearing, tyre choice, engine setup (head/port timing), ignition timing, jetting.
  11. Jakobi

    2018 ec 300 rich

    Have a search coblers.. Topic has been covered more than once. Stock needle hasn't worked well for most the world for quite some time.
  12. Jakobi

    2011-2017 ec300 which model to get?

    2010-2011 are essentially the same bike, bar the front fender and headlight. 2011 came with e-start. Smaller lighter, more nimble, trials like ergos. 2012 - I'd avoid. Transition year. Plastic subframe. 2013-2017 - Some variations in fork and shock combos. Some 2013 models had e-start (others...
  13. Jakobi

    Leftover part post rebuild

    Gromet from the rad mount?
  14. Jakobi

    Fall 2020 Fund Raiser

    Thanks everyone! Champions! Big thanks to Jeff for keeping this place afloat.. and apologies for not having a lot of presence over the last month or two!
  15. Jakobi

    2014 Linkage Kit Part No.

    I had some issues chasing the bushings in my 13 race (same linkage setup). You could size the bushings up and see if any of the after market suppliers have anything or could produce something to meet.