Recent content by rossi

  1. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Sods law that conditions are good when you are laid up. Hope all goes well and you have a good chest protector for when you return.
  2. R

    2010 EC300 breaking

    2010 EC300 breaking - few odds and ends left Following my accident, the insurance company have left me with the wreck to dispose of. Happy to ship bits wherever they may be required but not sure what the cost of this may be - they'll be coming from Cyprus. I can send to UK cheap (BFPO)...
  3. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    The final instalment I had x-rays in November - mainly for the wrist but we also got a set done for the femur. The femur is all good - the fracture lines were still clearly visible but they were lines in the bone rather than gaps you could put your thumb through. The surgeon was happy with...
  4. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Well, it didn't take me 35 years ;-) however I have decided that would be best to stay off dirt bikes for a while as my leg doesn't have enough strength, either in the muscles or the bone, to cope with it. Instead I have decided to follow up on something I have been planning to do at some point...
  5. R

    Cleaning carbon/spooge out of pipe

    I cleaned the silencer on my 2010 bike silencer last year. I don't think it had been done by the previous owners and was incredibly coked up to the point that the baffle was almost completely blocked. After I drilled out the rivets to remove the baffle I used an electric hot air paint...
  6. R

    Differences 2010 - 2012

    Currently in my shed I have a 2010 ec300 6-days that is rather bent after my smash last year - front wheel like a banana, frame bent, and I'm pretty sure the forks are too. It is soon to be joined by a 2012 ec250 - it's seen some use but the deal was just too good to pass on. So other than...
  7. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Jim, the doc would have had you taking a break from riding for sure. Good news is that I had an X-ray on the leg last week - the bone is now healing and the surgeon says it should be good to take impact exercise by the end of the year. The wrist is going to have a bone graft and pin but I'll...
  8. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Still trying to push forward... The strength in the leg is returning, slowly but steadily. I have my first x-ray and review appointment with the surgeon for the recent surgery. Hopefully it is going to show that the bone is at least beginning to heal. Come across another snag though. A...
  9. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Thanks guys. I had surgery last week. For the moment I am back at home with my feet up. The 10.5mm rod in the femur has been pulled and the bone reamed out to 14mm. The resulting bone fragments have hopefully packed out the fracture site sufficiently to form a graft for new bone. A 12mm...
  10. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Thanks Jim Unfortunately the road has taken a detour as I was diagnosed with non-union of the fracture in March. I will be back in surgery soon to have all of the metalwork ripped out of the leg and replaced with bigger stuff. The idea behind this is that they will ream out the shaft in the...
  11. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Things have been moving on. First one os the truck driver was in court where he admitted careless driving. This means that his insurance company won't contest liability. Once we finalise the losses, my lawyers will put in a claim which should be agreed fairly swiftly. I have been making...
  12. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    No way I can do a frame swap unless I can track down a frame locally. The rules here prevent any vehicle being registered unless it is either a new vehicle with certificate of conformity or has been registered abroad and imported through an officially recognised port. If it hasn't got a stamp...
  13. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    2010 ec 300 - I need to find out what is happening with the insurance and whether I can break it to sell the parts. Shipping might be an issue though. On a positive note I am off the crutches and only using a walking stick when the leg gets tired - I have a slight limp which increases when I...
  14. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Cheers Jim Unfortunately the frame is definitely bent - the front down-tube is distorted.
  15. R

    Femoral shaft and radius - major wreck

    Thanks RB That would be the humorous - think of banging your funny bone inside your elbow. Now I have been able to get out to the shed I have confirmed that the bike is totalled. The front rim is bent like a banana, forks bent back at the yokes and the front of the frame is bent out of shape...