Still trying to push forward...
The strength in the leg is returning, slowly but steadily. I have my first x-ray and review appointment with the surgeon for the recent surgery. Hopefully it is going to show that the bone is at least beginning to heal.
Come across another snag though. A mountain-biking friend has just had a scaphoid fracture diagnosed after a fall in April. Since my left wrist still wasn't feeling right (no major issues but it was painful to put weight on it if doing press-ups etc) I thought I had better get an x-ray too. Turns out I also have a scaphoid fracture and am going to need another surgery to insert a pin, probably with a bone graft due to the delay in diagnosis.
My doc has checked my notes and it had been x-rayed back in October during the initial surgery but apparently scaphoid fractures are often very difficult to diagnose from x-ray during the first 10 days as the swelling will hold the bone fragments together. The 2 parts will only separate once the swelling subsides.
The lesson here would be to get a sore wrist checked out if it doesn't improve after a couple of weeks.
I'm very sorry to hear of your continued difficulties. I hope that it starts to get better for you soon.
Regarding your "not delaying an injury checkout"; I know what you mean.
I landed on my head during the 1999 Jimmy Jack Enduro in north Texas. It was a wet, rough, and nasty race, and I earned 1st in my class. ( I usually finished higher when it was more important to be able to complete the course, instead of being the fastest rider

Only three riders in my class completed the course.
During the race, which was very slick and rough, I did a twenty foot "Flying W" and landed on my head in the mud. My neck hurt for six months afterward, but I never went to the doctor with it.
Last year, I had x-rays for something else, and the radiologist pointed to the x-ray and said, "When did you break your neck? It was a long time ago."
I don't know how the doctor would have helped me back then, but if I'd known my neck was broken, I might have laid off racing for a while to let it heal. I just kept racing.
Good Healing to you!