Recent content by steliost

  1. steliost

    GasGas/Reiju riders... you out there?

    Hey fellas, still here just not riding much lately. Still my favourite forum! Have a great day y'all! :)
  2. steliost

    Clutch issues when warm

    Turns out that I had fluid missing from the tank, it was below the middle of the looking glass. probably leaking from the piston seal as it happens very often... I just filled it up with fluid and went riding the same way to reproduce the incident but it was good all day through. today I finally...
  3. steliost

    Clutch issues when warm

    Same here. last ride I used a lot of second gear where i should have first and slipped the clutch more than usual. I had this excessive free play at the lever which slowly went back to normal the less I used it. when the bike cooled down it went totally normal and stayed like that for the rest...
  4. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    Yes, that crossed my mind but I suppose I could do that at a local level meaning inside greece or the balkans maybe. the cost of the cover itself would be close to that of a recluse one though, it takes time and effort and I got a shop to maintain! :p I could post that in a greek dirtbike forum...
  5. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    Yes, so true. every old machine shop, at least around here has a czech piece of machinery still working with great precision. they have returned their value in money many times.
  6. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    I also got the tools and the shop passed on to me from my father when he retired, as he had from his father. I am a machinist by trade like both of them, grew up in the shop practically and I enjoy working in that environment! I've got two lathes, a mill, a 50 ton press, a couple of column...
  7. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    Thank you gentlemen! F5 nice tip, will do it next time i'll have it off the bike. Anders that was our first thought also but they were mostly out of stock and around 150 euros. Not that the bike is not worth it but since i had the means to do it and had the OK from the actual owner i tried it...
  8. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    Sure is, bud! :) cheers
  9. steliost

    DIY billet clutch cover

    The clutch cover on the EC250 started weeping from where it was already welded and I put some Mannol cold steel epoxy there but it did not convince me enough... On the search for a new cover I found out they are pretty scarce and expensive. So I decided I would try to make one out of a fat...
  10. steliost

    Powervalve issue?

    Just checked it and it seems to open and close fully. i pulled the exhaust out and right side PV cover, looked in the port and the flap doesn't protrude with the valve open. good job. :cool: thanks Jim and Zman.
  11. steliost

    Powervalve issue?

    Thank you Jim, I will check it the way you described. I've always been an advocate of this forum and I probably wouldn't own a gasgas had it not been for this place. :)
  12. steliost

    Powervalve issue?

    Today I took the slack out of the PV in the EC250 2008 by loosening the set screw and pushing in the governor juuust a bit, maybe less than 0.5mm, while holding the bracket firmly on the stop bolt and tightening again. the bike rattles no more at idle and deceleration and the bottom end improved...
  13. steliost

    Poll: Would you buy a Rieju?

    ?Qu? buenas noticias! And, yes, I would definitely buy a Rieju before any other brand, maybe even Beta.
  14. steliost

    What did you do to your Gas Gas today?

    Replaced brake rotors and pads on my friend's EC250 and also exchanged the front sprocket for a smaller one by one tooth. (13 to 12). We figured that it needed the shorter gearing since most of the riding is done on 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear and it felt kinda sluggish down there at the revs. Happy...
  15. steliost

    What did you do to your Gas Gas today?

    I replaced the kickstarter ratchet pinion, starting pinion and spring on my '05 EC300. The cost of the parts was 85 euros including shipping from spain. I put an extra 3mm washer to preload the spring a bit. it was slipping for quite a long time. What seemed to be a 40 minute job nearly ended...