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I bought back my old 2002 EC125. The last owner took it for a ride.
1. "warmed up for 3 min".
2. bogged in first gear (probably not that warm).
3. ran clean in 2,3,4
4. during the WOT 4-5 shift the motor locked up.
He said the bike sounded normal and the ran clean with no odd noises or vibrations.
It is leaking coolant from the newly ventilated crank cases. The hole is about 7 to 10mm wide and 35mm long (5/16 to 7/16 wide and 1 7/16 ling) directly below the crankshaft.
I will pull it apart this week. It is locked solid. The trans oil looks fine and it rolls in neutral fine. I hope the cases can be saved.
A locked solid engine and a hole in the crankcase doesn't sound promising