01 xc300 gas gas exhaust input


Silver Level Site Supporter
Ok guys.... I have spent about 9 months on the 300 and love it. There is not one area of the bike I am dissapointed in. the other day we were riding on a trail no-one goes on any more and buried in some tumbleweeds i hit something that put a pretty good dent in the fmf pipe on it. It almost turned the bike around when it hit..anyway 2 questions
1. would you do the LTR pipe spigot thing...
2. since I am way happy with the bike, i think the same fmf(gnarly) would be the ticket... the one on the bike was way rusty at the head, so it was going to be replaced anyway.
any thoughts would be welcome
A month or so ago I hit a pine tree stump and CRUSHED my Messico pipe right in the fat part of the expansion chamber, crushed it more than half way in. I removed the pipe and check my spigot, did not crack it, the older ones may be steel vice aluminum? Not sure what the LTR is made from.

I would recommned Pacific Crest Pipe Repair if your going to have your pipe fixed.

I have plugged these guys numerous time on this site, and have had my pipe repaired several times and have been very happy with the work. I should have taken before and after photo's of the pipe....great work and a good value...unless you want to by a new pipe!

the ltr says it is steel... not sure what is on mine, but i was gonna check it out to make sure it is not broken before i made the pipe decision. If it did not break in this hit, i would think it would ok... The dent in my pipe is about the size of a normal computer mouse around and about twice as deep. I have no idea what i hit. My 300 had been setting for a few years when i bought it and all the chrome plating on the front, where it comes out of the engine, is gone.
repair link looks pretty good.
thanks for the input Rick
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