013 sach shock service help


New member
got it apart all looks good reminds me of late 90s ohlins on my 98 has that horrible circlip on the rod . the du bush in the seal block looks good need to get a seal ? the oil that was in it was very thin iv got maxima light? gas pressure 150 psi ok . gas piston 10mm back from bottom ? whilst im in there any shiming improvements did read about piston band o'ring did it get sorted by 013 thanks
The Sachs shocks are a bit of a basket case. So many variants of the same thing. Some with top out springs, some without; this influences the upper shaft setup. Some have split metal piston bands, others use a single piece plastic piston band (these are the ones that don't seal well). Different height seal heads. Some use a 16mm shaft, other models use an 18mm shaft. Some use a rebound separator valve, others don't.

Then you have valving differences to deal with all those other variables. Some use a preloaded shim stack..

Finding parts can be hard. From memory the seals aren't common sized and many tuners will machine the seal head to accept a more common seal.

SKF make some complete seal heads for reasonable prices, however you need to work out which one matches your particular shock.
thanks jakobi its got the plastic piston band 16mm shaft ,the seal looks like a over size x ring ,it had lost 1/3 of its oil ill give k tek uk a ring if not ill do as you suggested on the seal m not had a chance to play with my cc marzocchi yet richard wilson from usa/ gg facebook page has softer ppf/ ics springs seriously thinking getting an 18 just need to get rid of the 05 013 and a 490 maico or two think the only thing id miss is the 013 ttx shock dont suppose it fit the 18 thanks again robin
anders both mr wilson and top man jakobi had the opinyon that softer think shorter ppf/ ics is a good place to start,rw told me that marzocchi only big change to 015 017 48cc was different ppf my opinion of my 48cc on my 013 fr 300 is good to very good at race pace but at slower pace they don't work iv got a 011 390 husaberg that has revalved ktm cc not a patch on the mar cc at speed
I think GG/Marzocchi actually reduced the effective preload/ICS rate on the CC forks into the 15+ models as well. A lot of the initial reports of harshness died down after 12/13.

Having owned bikes fitted with KYB gear (front and back) and TTX gear (front and back), I don't see the KYB as being a step backwards at all. It's not often you hear of Yamaha riders going the TTX route.

The 18 models look mint. I have had to stop myself from looking at them as I just don't have the coin available for one.. Maybe if I spent the time to unload the rest of the toys I could afford one but that means time, effort and motivation (something else I'm lacking a bit towards new bike right now).
interesting so shorter and softer ppf ill give rw a pm on price of springs ,think iv found a seal for the sachs ill pm you what its of if it works thanks, have you looked at the pdf on rebuilding a beta rr sachs shock !!!
disappointed the seal i got for the sachs is to small 24 od need 24. 6 the options iv got are bore the block to a bigger seal or sleeve it down to take a xring or get a skf block 45uk
That's Sachs for you.. not sure what their obsession is with using unique sizes for their parts.

The Beta workshop manual is a good one for explaining how to pull down, inspect and put back together.. particularly for those who haven't opened up a shock before.
skf seal block on its way , managed to get the shaft circlip off going to fit s block from the piston end i have a cunning plan on not damaging the seal . on the beta pdf to my way of thinking missing important points like bleeding the air out properly ect
Would have been easier to remove the clevis and slide the seal head on from the bottom! They back off pretty easily with a bit of heat and a good shaft clamp.