02/03/2013 Cairns (Australia)


Super Moderator
The day started with a large group considering only a few emails were sent around. Over 20 riders all geared and ready to go.

Conditions were prime after having some afternoon rainfall the 3 days leading up and with hot humid, overcast conditions the day was set to be a scorcher. I think it took everyone out one by one as the group tapered down to around 5 or 6 riders by the end of the day. I hope everyone had a great time and that the 3 blokes who went on to the pub to wait for everyone isn't dirty that we all never arrived. Whoever you were big 'sorry'. We'd run so late we wouldn't make it in time for lunch (kitchen closes at 2pm) and most opted against the extra 40kms of bitument just to get fuel and a beer. I'll make it up to you all on the next ride. Beers on me.

The day was more than eventful with several drownings. A few slight water injestions. Apparently much ruff and tumble back in the pack, electrical issues. Hard starting hondas, ktms with busted starters, slippy clutches, and a sheered gear selector shaft with not even enough meat on it to change it back to a decent gear. Thanks to the riders who helped out in recovering bikes out of the single track.

Morning session included some open flowy trail that had some slippy sections. Then down the railway singles was just prime. A flat tyre set us back way ages there. Of all people to get the flat it was one of the last 3 bikes. At least it gave us time to dewater the flooded ones on the other side of the creek several kms away. Then into some freshly marked single thats just starting to run in nicely over towards the mid way. After that the groups split with some parting for sevenhills, others heading home damaged, a couple to the pub (as above sorry again), and a few ready to smash on in even more technical single. This took a while to get through and also had mechanicals and flooding, as well as few challenging hills to hold us up a bit. Once out everyone was out of water and time was approaching 2pm. We all decided to scoot home the easy way, until I pulled up at the start of more trail. A few nods of the head and we were into it again. Smashed out a heap more. Thought we lost a few people due to misscommunication, which was sorted easily enough, and then made it back to the start for a beer! What an epic day!

Hope to see some vids surface. I know there were several gopros rolling. Mine fogged up pretty badly at one point. I think I only took 50mins footage of the whole day, but leading its all pretty uneventful. Hopefully others will have some mid pack carnage. I already found this one courtesy of Wes.

Cheers to all! Hope you all enjoyed!

Simmo, If you watch carefully, just before the guy falls near the end you will see a glimpse of a out of focus black panther like thing slinking away....

Heres some more from one of those fandangle ktm 350exc 6 days things that everyone seems to be rockin.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhZb64hOVkI

Think I forgot about the link before. Oops. No Panthers up north. Too hot and humid for them. I did come around a corner in the morning session to be greated by a lady walking a bloody massive playful dog. He was ok and enjoyed a pat. Explained to her that a large group was coming through. She said all good I'll head back to the car and load the animals up. I held the group up until she was rolling. We caught her up again as she was coming back onto a main road and wave from her and one back in return and all was good. Pays to be nice sometimes.
Simmo, If you watch carefully, just before the guy falls near the end you will see a glimpse of a out of focus black panther like thing slinking away....


I reckon I saw it too! Must be a Brazilian black panther to withstand that heat!

Nice trails jake, too wet here, no bike for another week.
Haha can't believe the panther talk is on this forum too. So did you end up swapping needles jake?

Yeah. I put the N3CW back in. Haha! I decided I'd like to continue running the same jetting until pull down so I can try and get a decent reading with piston wash. The suspension is what I'm more focused on now. Back end isn't inspiring confidence and keeps trying to kick me. I soften it up and slow down the rebound to compensate but that just results in it using too much of the stroke and packing down in the real chop. Revalve revalve revalve time!

Heres a few pics



I reckon I saw it too! Must be a Brazilian black panther to withstand that heat!

Nice trails jake, too wet here, no bike for another week.

ITS NEVER TOO WET!! Only sometimes when the creeks are uncrossable.. We generally cop 100s of mm's of rainfall days on end during wet season and a cyclone on top! Its coming late this year.. but i reccon its still coming!
Yeah, you tropic dudes understand water. We have average yearly rainfall of 55 inches. We've had 32 inches since January 1, the waterways just can't cope like they do up north and the soil isn't quite as leeched either, it is completely supersaturated and all rainfall is now runoff. I lived in Darwin for a while and was amazed how water from a monster storm ( inch an hour rain) just disappeared as if it would never flood, but conversely waterways grew in minutes...very scary in little boats with our shoe leather friends watching and waiting for lunch.
Dang, I wish I could get in on a ride of this magnitude. Only time I get to ride with more then two or three people is at the races.

Its not all that great honestly. Many hours spent sitting around waiting for bikes and riders to regroup. Increased bikes = increased odds for mechanical issues too. I can cover the same kms (same trails) with the usual group of 3 - 5 riders in no time at all. A couple of hours vs a whole day. I possibly spent more time sitting around waiting than actually riding on the weekend. It was well worth it watching everyone else suffer though. Red faces, dripping with sweat, mangled and struggling to hold on. It tested a couple. I love the loop on that last vid. Some beaut lil single track hills. We only took about 7 of the 20 something riders through there, and even a couple managed to mess up a few hills. 1 bloke put his bike in the drink upside down. Definitely one of those days.

The 250 also did 110kms on 10.5L of fuel while keeping a pretty solid pace and flogging it down a firetrail at 110km/hr.
That's a nice piece of trail... Jealous

Its verr nice. There is more of it out there too! I tell you what Simmo. You and all the other fellas should arrange a trip up this way. I'll hook yas up a deal with trailbikeadventures.com and laugh and you all wrestle the big yellow submarines all day. LOL! I guess I'd have to ride one too to make it fair!
Its verr nice. There is more of it out there too! I tell you what Simmo. You and all the other fellas should arrange a trip up this way. I'll hook yas up a deal with trailbikeadventures.com and laugh and you all wrestle the big yellow submarines all day. LOL! I guess I'd have to ride one too to make it fair!

Ha, I'll freight the bike up, the dee r zee is just to freakin heavy , but at least you know they if you start something on them, you will finish. We should do it one day, cape York!
Ha, I'll freight the bike up, the dee r zee is just to freakin heavy , but at least you know they if you start something on them, you will finish. We should do it one day, cape York!

I'm up for that. On my own bike though. Not a 450kg two wheeled tractor