'04 GasGas SM450...Do I have a Lemon???


New member
Hello GasGasRiders.org Forum,

Below is a string of posts I have posted on thumpertalk.com regarding the many issues I have had with my GasGas since I purchased it a few months ago. I few members at thumper talk mentioned this board and recommended I post my issues to the GasGas Guru's here. Your input is very appreciated as I am on my last breath with this bike. Thank you in advance for you input.

My '04 Gas Gas SM450 is very "jerky" when I wind it out a bit through the gears as well as at the top end of 6th gear. The dealership says that it is the rev limiter kicking in and that it's normal. They said to just let off the throttle a bit and it will be fine.

~If it IS the rev limiter, is this normal? I don't ever remember this with my previous bikes.

If it is NOT the rev limiter, could the EFI setting possibly be off a bit? The bike goes through more fuel than anything I have ever seen before, if this helps paint a clearer picture.

What do you think???

I love this bike, but it has been nothing but problems since I purchased it (new), a few months ago.

Here is a list of problems I've had with the bike so far...

1. Slow start and battery goes dead after 3-4 attempts at starting.
Solution: Dealership installed a battery tender and it starts up on the 1st or 2nd try every time.

2. Leaking Oil.
Solution: Dealership repaired it.

3. Idle would rev out of control when I turned the bars to the right.
Solution: Dealership zip tied the throttle cable in place so it doesn't pull when the bars are turned to the right.

4. The stock kick stand doesn't fully extend when down and the bike falls over if someone within 50 feet sneezes in its direction.
Solution: I am going to heat up the stand and hyper extend it to the point that it will fully extend and put the bike at a lower lean angle when the kick stand is down.

Thanks for you input everyone...

Oh yea, almost forgot, at one point the bike would die when I engaged it in 1st gear.

With all of these issues, it's hard not to think I got a lemon.

When I got it, it had been sitting in the showroom for nearly 3 years. Got a hell of a deal on it at only $5,300. ~That's not such a deal though if I can never ride it, a.k.a...in the shop or dead in the garage, etc.

Are all of the issues I've had with the bike common Gas Gas issues or do I have a lemon?

If these are common problems, how come Gas Gas has such a devoted following of customers that stand behind their beloved bikes so strongly?

After the dealer installed a battery tender the bike starts up 1 or 2nd time EVERY TIME. I fixed the kickstand issue by stopping by a custom bike shop today, where they put a flame to the stand and bent it to a proper fit...PROBLEM SOLVED.

Aside from the jerking at top speed and at the top end of each gear (especially the top of 6th) I am very satisfied with this bike. The jerky feeling is really getting to me though.

I'll take your advice and check out the battery as it is the original '04 battery. I'm also going to check those spark plugs as well as look into purchasing a new injector.

BTW...how much should I expect to pay for a new injector? Thanks again for your input.

I replaced the battery today after it wouldn't start on my way to work this morning. Between the new battery and the battery tender I'm starting to have some confidence that the bike will start when I need it to.

My only issue now is the jerking at the top of each gear, especially the top of 6th. The jerking feeling is almost like what my little pocket bike did when had it pinnned, except on a larger scale. If I don't wind it out quit all the way throughout the gears it's not such an issue, however when I get to the top of 6th its too much to turn the other way and ignore.

On a positive note, the dealership that sold me the bike has been nothing but helpful in addressing the issues with the slow start, draining battery, leaking oil, etc., etc. Infact, I've worked with a lot of dealerships over the years in many different states that I've lived and these guys are #1 out of all of them...BY FAR!!!

As one last ditch effort to get this bike going it is sitting at the dealership right now to FINALLY check the mapping on the EFI. They are also installing a rev box, dyno, tsi, or whatever its called. If these don't work I don't know what to do.

Bless my pregnant wife's heart, she has been even more patient with this than I have been. When the bike wouldn't start yesterday after I replaced the sparkplug in an effort to start it she was pissed. When it finally did turn over it was so loud (back firing) and smoking from the exhaust and flames coming out the end that every fire alarm in the house went off and her patience finally wore out.

~Long story short, she's so fed up with the issues of this bike and getting up early to drive me to work because the bike never starts when I need it to that she doesn't want to see it back at the house. After a little convencing I convinced her to give it one last chance to get the bike running like it should...a new bike with less than 200 miles on it. Wish me luck.
In summary...

1. The bike doesn't start without push starting it.

2. Something is wrong with the idle / very jerky feeling at the top of each gear, especially 6th gear.
Sorry, I can't help you out on the 4T bikes. My background is in the 2T bikes.
By the way, I recommend that you add your "location" to your user settings. Good luck!
I would have some issues with a "new 04" as far as old gas is concerned (fuel system has had this gas sitting in it for a long time). It could be a fouled or clogged injector. It could be a fuel regulator problem or fuel pump check valve issue, also caused from old stale gas.

As far as the engine revving when the bars are turned, it could be a miss-routed throttle cable or it is not adjusted properly (not enough free play)

drz, Sorry I missed this post entirely. I'm no expert on the 450s but have had some experience with them.

I would check into the setting on the CDI box. Seems to me I remember those things having a "dual map" arrangement similar to the newer 2Ts. In one mode the rev limiter cuts in much earlier and power is mellower. This may be your issue with the "jerking".

Did checking the EFI trim help any?

If you do search around here, you'll also find a little "fix" for the self retracting stand that might also help, even though you've already adjusted the angle with the torch.

Seems like you got most of the other items sorted?
Yes, the other issues are sorted out out. Only thing now is to get the thing to start and run smooth when it finally gets going.

The dealership has had it about a week and a half. ~Haven't heard anything from them yet about the progress, I'm assuming their waiting for new parts or whatever.

Thanks for you input everyone and I'll keep you posted on the progress.
There was also an update on the starter clutch mechanism, but this was early models that had issues. I would think yours already has the updated assembly, but maybe not. With the newer style assembly they spin over much faster than the originals. Keep the faith ;)
Still think a fuel system problem !

A starter clutch will not have any thing to do with a cold start problem and keep it running through warm up !

Still think a fuel system problem !

A starter clutch will not have any thing to do with a cold start problem and keep it running through warm up !


Fuel system issue is definitely a possibility and should be investigated.

As for the starter clutch, the early models had issues starting as the combination of original starter clutch and the decompression setup didn't turn the engine over very well (more of a starter gearing issue than the actual clutch, but they came as a unit). I've seen several that had starting issues due to this starter arrangement. With the new style starter clutch, they spin over like a DRZ400 and start much more consistant, and are easier on batteries. In this case though, he likely has the updated parts as the trouble ones I saw were on original 2003 models.
Gas Gas SM450 tips


In reading your posts, I noticed you have one main problem to fix, and the rest are nickel -dime items that may require you to do a little fine-tuning on the bike.

1. Slow start problem. It helps to adopt a proper starting procedure for the 450 4T. I have a demo model in my shop that will start after 2 pistons pass over TDC every time. If you give me a call, I'll be happy to explain it to you, but I don't the time to type it all out now. Also, you need to use this spark plug: NGK CR7EX1 Iridum. The pre-set gap should be correct, check it and also do a plug check after installation to see if it the mixture looks right, which it usually does.

2. Jerking at the top of each gear: This bike does not have usable 2-mappings like the 2-stroke. Disconnect the wire under the seat to get the different mapping. Test it and see how you like it.

Feel free to call me for more in-depth discussion. - Jack

J&J Racing (Gas Gas Dealer)
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