05 450fse running like crap! (upstate NY)


New member
I have an 05 fse, that has always run very well........untill this Spring. At first I thought it was the fuel, even though I treated it prior to storage last Fall. I changed the plug, drained the old fuel, and added Cam2 race fuel (has no ethanol), and got it running, but it runs very rough.....pops, snorts, stalls, header pipe glows cherry red, etc. :mad: The only change that I made was I tried adjusting the little air/mixture screw on the left side of the throttle body by the throttle cable. My question is.......I read on this forum that other people have changed positions on that little screw, in order to "fine tune the idle.....that is the ONLY thing I have done to a bike that ran fine when I put it away last Fall. Could this have thrown-off my settings?........it doesn't seem to matter where I set that screw.......seems to run crappy no matter what. :mad:My second question is......I am in upstate NY (Utica area) and there is not a GG dealer within hundreds of miles of here that will work on the 4T. Is there anyone near me that has the software for this that would be willing to have a look?:confused: Thanks!
Check out the air cleaner if you haven't already.........I had a problem where mine had been stored for 3 months and it ran like crap. Filter was clean but must have been blocked by congealed filter oil. Cleaning and re-oiling cured the problem. These engines are really susceptible to these kind of things!
Can anyone HELP????

I just serviced the air cleaner, and actually tried running it without one in it, but it did the same thing. Anyone have any thoughts on this? It seems to run lean........OK going down the road at steady throttle, but as soon as you back off the throttle it pops, and stalls. Un-rideable in the woods, as it keeps stalling when you let off on the throttle.......Plug is white.........indicates lean condition. Seems to start OK, and idles pretty good. Could it be the injector??:confused: PLEASE HELP!
Is the Blue/Yellow wire disconnected? This wire when connected set the ECU to a very lean control map to meet some sort of emmision setup.

That wire connected plus your adjustment of the air screw may lead to the problems your having.
Wire has been unhooked since the day I bought the bike.......and it did run bad when it was hooked up. I'm pretty sure I have a bad sensor, or injector. Just need to pony-up the cash for the diagnostic equipment. ($400+) Bike is worthless unless I do something. VERY DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!! I hate to say it, but I think my next bike will be orange.:D
Timing. In all my years of building 500+hp cars timing is what causes headers to glow red. If the injector where that plugged to not live up to its duty cycle it wouldn't even cycle.

IS the timing controlled buy ecu on these models? if it is whip out the timing light and i bet its retarded as hell.

(Headers glow red also when you push the limits of your 500+hp car) lol but thats not your issue.
Also depending on how savy you are i would ditch the stock junk box anyway. I would get a microsquirt.

tune the bike yourself or have a tuner do it on a dyno. N/A engines are a snap though easy learning curve. As long as you understand ve and other things.

I run standalone efi on every vehicle i own even my 05 silverado. why because i can tune my maps better for what i do than gm can for all around use.

Look into it before you shell out major cashola for the stock ecu.
Thanks for all the input guys! In regards to the diagnostic equipment......didn't I read that you also need a special adaptor for your lap-top, as the cable doesn't interface with a modern unit??? I'm not a computer wiz, but I could swear that I read that on the forum here somewhere??:confused:
Only the old units need a serial and a parallel port. The parallel port is for the dongle based "sentinel" software protection. All the later versions are usb based.
I just did the Technoreasearch VDST purchase. They were very good on the front end of my purchase, service & shipping, and said to call with any install or operational questions. Unit was here in three days, MI to CT. Did the software install last night on the laptop. Ran out of time to hook up the bike. That's on for tonight...
My bike (06 450) was running erratically recently. All I did was take off each efi sensor, clean them with contact cleaner and then use dielectric grease when I put them back together. Worked a treat and took less than 30 mins and cost less than $5. Worth a try.
Figured out the problem (A MUST READ)

OK........got the tecno research program installed on my lap-top, and everything checked out OK. No bad sensors etc., even the injector checked out OK. So then I was really scratching my head:confused: Decided to take the injector off the bike and found black crap in the inlet end of the injector!........IT WAS PARTIALLY PLUGGED!!!!! Even though it checked OK (which it was), it wasn't able to do its job and inject enough fuel as it was blocked. The culprit? Only explanation is the Ethanol fuel was eating my fuel line even though I put the StarTron additive in it prior to staorage! Put the bike back together and it runs perfect! IF YOU OWN A 4T BIKE, DO NOT RUN ANYTHING OTHER THAN NON ETHANOL FUEL IN IT........OR IF YOU DO, DON'T STORE THE BIKE WITH THAT S--T IN IT! That stuff is bad news! I missed a whole summers worth of riding because of it! The moral to the story? If your fuel injected 4T bike feels like it's starving for fuel, check the injector.:rolleyes:
OK........got the tecno research program installed on my lap-top, and everything checked out OK. No bad sensors etc., even the injector checked out OK. So then I was really scratching my head:confused: Decided to take the injector off the bike and found black crap in the inlet end of the injector!........IT WAS PARTIALLY PLUGGED!!!!! Even though it checked OK (which it was), it wasn't able to do its job and inject enough fuel as it was blocked. The culprit? Only explanation is the Ethanol fuel was eating my fuel line even though I put the StarTron additive in it prior to staorage! Put the bike back together and it runs perfect! IF YOU OWN A 4T BIKE, DO NOT RUN ANYTHING OTHER THAN NON ETHANOL FUEL IN IT........OR IF YOU DO, DON'T STORE THE BIKE WITH THAT S--T IN IT! That stuff is bad news! I missed a whole summers worth of riding because of it! The moral to the story? If your fuel injected 4T bike feels like it's starving for fuel, check the injector.:rolleyes:

My mind never considered this as a potential m/c problem BUT it has been a real life issue on many automobiles, especially since they moved away from an 'open circuit fuel system' (with a return to the tank) and started using a no return line system. Typically the last injectors on each rail catch the debris and are the first to start misfiring. With a m/c you don't have that luxury the first one is the last one. I would have thought the software would show a lean exhaust and clued to an airleak or fuel starvation issue though
Unfortunately the GG works in open loop mode and therefore has no exhaust sensor which would have thrown a code. Looks like it will have to be added to the maintenance schedule!