'06 ec300


New member
I was looking through the data base here and though there was alot of heplful tips Idid not find the combo of jetting and clip setting I was looking for.So my question is what is the best set-up for 0 to 1500 50 to 70 degrees,a CCK needle and a #8 slide and VF3 Reeds? Now 1nee top slot,172 and 40 and #7 slide fuel 1 1/4turn and spooges out of the pipe but not bad but could be better!
Slide cutaway has a similar effect as needle diameter. The #8 slide will be more lean than the #7 slide.
I can't recall where I heard or read it,but I was fishing for that combo of settings that included the #8 slide that was tried and tested.I guess I am looking for that solid base from wich to start from.That is whats great about this forum!
My '06 EC300 works noticeably better with the #7 slide. The #8 slide was less consistent across temp and elevation changes.

My '01 clearly runs better with a #8 slide.

Your mileage/results may vary.
I love #8 slide in my 2000 EC300 with the LTR needle. I also liked it in my 2005 EC300 until I got the RB head and then I needed to tame the bike a little. This is when I switched to the CCK needle, the stock #7 slide and dropped a tooth on the rear sprocket. Now that traction is good, I will either switch back to the #8 slide or try a CCL needle. I can use the extra pop off the bottom.
I have an EC 250 '08 with LTR and #8 slide. Before I had the #7 slide and the bike was o.k. but with the #8 it simply rips. Try it, it gives excellent response.

My winter setting are 182 main, 48 pilot, LTR#3, summer I go down to a 45 pj.