10 or 14oz flywheel weight on 2005 MC250?


New member
Hi guys!

I am asking this because I don't want to lose the power characteristics of the stock MC. I really like the way it works (compared to my '98 EC which was OK as well). Will a 10oz be enough to improve the lagging of the MC in slow rock sections? Also I read something about a spacer for the cover... Do I need it if I want to install any of these two weights?

P.S. Anybody running the E-line ignition (on EC or MC)? How good is it?

Thank you!


I'm going to take a guess and say you mean "lugging" instead of "lagging", because one thing an MC shouldn't do is lag.:)

Since the MC has no primary balance weight, I'd definately go with the 14 oz for technical rock riding. The 14 oz works very well, and there is a noticable difference between it and the 10 oz., more than you would think. I think this is due to the way the 14 oz wraps around the edge of the flywheel (greater dia. and MOI).

See this article: http://www.gasgasrider.org/html/flywheel_effect.html

You should not need a spacer for the cover. My '00 needed double gaskets but I do that anyway for better cover sealing.

Not sure if you can get an E-Line lighting coil for a GG. I think it would be eaiser and cheaper to just get the 2K-3 EC ignition flywheel/stator for 75W, or the 2K-2 for 35W, depending what you need. You could use the Ducati Energia from the '98 (assuming you have one) but you have to fab a special ignition cover adapter to use the '98 cover on the newer cases. Kent A has done this, do a search.

Thank you for the answer! It is very clear (if you meant that the way the power comes won't change much)! Yes, I meant "lug", not "lag" :) .

I think the bike has already the 2k-2 ignition. Close to the frame, on the left of the tank, there is a ready single connector covered with tape. This week I receive the OEM AC light regulator and I will try to see if it can power a 35W headlamp and LED tail light. At the same time I will check if the CDI can be connected to a "mud/sun" switch. I think this should further improve things in the technical?

I asked about the E-line because they sell one for gg for 430$ (Ricky Stator...) including an 11oz weight and regulator. And at least Dirt Rider and Dirt Bike are crazy about its benefits (2*100W + flywheel effect) in an offroad conversion (maybe it's abit of an advertisment though..). Anyway I am using a helmet light for my evening practices so I don't think I need the E-line if the 2k-2 can light a 35W halogen lamp.

Thank you!! You are great!

35W is tops for the 2K-2. The stator AC ouput wire is yellow. I don't think the MC CDI has dual maps. You could get an EC CDI as it would drop right in. A simple, free, but subtle change is to retard the timing a bit. You can rotate the stator counterclockwise 1mm. This will soften up the low to mid, and may rev out more on top, but its a very small change.

Thank you for the info! Tomorrow I will check the electrics and the CDI. I think I will go with the 14oz weight.

(There is a Moose racing reed valve spacer in one of the Ebay shops. Will that improve only the off idle power without harming the MC power delivery or it will harm it?)

Thank You!

05 MC250 different watt light coil

Hey Leon,
This is Matt, other guy(from U.S. with 6-speed) with the new 05 MC250, we talked about lighting coils, me trying to run mine for turn signals and headlight so I could by-pass fed duel sport laws to ride to areas of questionable legality, while you were trying to get by with your stock 35w coil with Euro regulations.

I just went all out and bought half of what i need to make my MC250 full street legal. The MC is for exploration of rural areas that are not marked "banned". I chose the GasGas because of the serial numbers of Euro bikes don't tell on themselves. I'd much rather put my modified Honda CR500 in a duel sport role. I feel like I need to race before I die, but I don't think I'm going to die as soon as they said. I'm 4th stage terminal cancer-I do want to race-maybe-I would like to live some real racing-something I've never done except as a kid racing my buddies. I just want to experiment as far as the duel sport. Like taming the Old West. I bought the 60w Moose coil/stator, which I found out was made by that company Electrosport I mentioned to you earlier(coincidence?), and I want to cruise all the backroads of rural Georgia. I also have my highly modified Honda CR500 that proves 2T's are unstopable, I just can't put it on the road.
