18 ec300 jetting

I'm running the same pilot and main in my 250 right now, with a NEDW#2. I could probably go a tad leaner, but I will run this until the head/squish is cut. Yes, it is hot. Get up to the Bradshaws when you can...

Who are you getting to cut the head? It's not bad if you start at 600 and done at 900.at the latest.
I'm wondering how big effect on a jetting have a squish. Most of you guys prefer (if choosed suzuki) NED# needles and I think you are riding on XC/EC models. I riding on GP and for me better working suzuki needles than yamahas, but NECJ. When I put NED# needle I have a problem with bottom and PJ, 42 is too rich and 40 too lean. With NECJ I don't have this problem and the bike is smoother and stronger than yamha needle.

The heads in EC and GP are different I think GP have more compresion, which gives less squish. And the question is, if bike have more compresion (less squish) is he needs leaner gas/air mixture?

I'm on a 300m sea level, depends of temperature change the MJ between 172/175/178. Needle NECJ (#2 or #3 don't remember now) and 42PJ. AS depends of temp. 1,5-2 turns. Spark looks ok in cappucino color.