20 mpg

did 30 miles at a snails pace, 1st 2nd gear just off throttle and gas was just under the 3 liter line. thats about 6.5 liters for 30 miles all low throttle. doesn't seem like very good mileage to me!!

It's got to be way too rich off idle and it will be 4 stroking - i.e. only firing properly every other cycle hence 1/2 of all your fuel goes down the exhaust pipe unused.

I had to goto a lower float height, 9 slide, 35 pilot, N1EF 1 clip lean and this sorts out most of it however it will 4 stroke a little at idle and just off idle. Fuel makes a difference as well.
It costs $75 you can also have a dual system for $150 i think. Look around the site, there are many cool products.

While most reports seem good for this I would be a bit hesitant if it's low throttle opening and fuel economy you are trying to fix. Currently to try and stop the 4 stroking my off idle jetting is about as lean as the standard Keihin parts allow (9 slide 35 pilot) since the dial a jet can only add fuel you would want to start off from a point leaner than this but the standard parts are not available (or not easily). Also for my jetting I need to lean the off idle and 1/8 throttle off but retain a standard mixture after this for power (which otherwise drops off significantly) I dont think the dial a jet can compensate like this at different throttle openings? I would spend the money on the JD jetting database and carb parts to lean off the low throttle openings (which you would have to do anyway if you bought the dial a jet to start from a lean condition)... Incidentally don't even consider the cost of these parts since once your jetting is good you will save the price in fuel!