I bought this bike after it had been sitting in the owners trailer for several years. My intention was to fix it up as a spare but I've changed my mind. It is a 2001 XC 200 (VTRXC200012990004). It has a FMF gnarly pipe and power core II silencer, aluminum radiator guards, carbon fiber pipe guard, factory connection tuned suspension, MSR bark busters and TAG bars. I just put rear wheel bearings, a new air filter, and a new carburetor boot (holds carb to head, don't know the proper name), and replaced a few rear spokes. It runs good but would need going through if you plan to ride it seriously, if you want a bike to just ride around the farm then just gas and go. I would like to get $1000. If it doesn't sell I'll probably part it out so keep that in mind. I can email pics if interested. Bike is located in Moseley, VA 23120.