2011 EC250f manual---breather hose question


New member
A. where can I get a manual for a 2011 EC250F

B. Since I bought this used I don't know for sure but I am pretty sure the breather hose doesn't just drip right on top of the case just to make an oily mess and drip off by the sprocket. Didn't see anywhere for it to hook into the airbox. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong place.
Gas Gas Chasis - http://www.gasgasmotos.es/en/manuals/search-250-f.html (2012 model but think its mostly the same chasis etc).
Yamaha Engine - http://www.yamahaownershandbook.com.au/index.php (search the model)

You mean the breather from the valve cover? On older models they ran down the front of the engine and sat by the frame rails. Problem was they would suck water in if hitting the starter when submerged. 2005+ they ran it across the upper frame to the airbox. Also it shouldn't be dripping oil. If it is it sounds like you have over filled the engine.

I'm not sure which engine is in the bike. 07?? 09?? They all vary a little. The early models had dipsticks. The later ones use a window. Not sure where you're finding the check bolt? Next to the window? The other consideration is that in the Yamaha they use the frame to hold oil as well as the engine. Both have drain plugs which need to be dropped. Not sure if the GG uses the same setup. I'd imagine so. Further reading indicates that the alloy frames used an oil tank (rather than frame). Looks like the drain bolt for this is under the engine towards the front. There is also a line with a screen in it which should be checked occassionally. So if you didn't drain the oil tank you could have overfilled. The other thing is that the oil level will show low until up to temp, so if filled properly cold, it will be overfilled.

For an 09 YZ250F
Oil change: 1.05L
With filter change: 1.15L

General consensus is that you are best using the measured volume. If only overfilled even a bit it will blow out the breather.
I hope you don't mean the inspection bolt on the oil line that feeds into the head?? Surely not? That bolt is meant to be cracked until oil is seen with the engine running. Its used to bleed any air from the system and ensure a consant supply of oil to the valves. This is a good habit to get into as well. I don't think many people do it.
Nope it is an 06 WR without the tank. The manual shows the bolt on page 45 of the 2010 manual. It kind of indicates warm or hot, but does not say it. I probably over filled it then just a bit.
Looking at the pictures on the gasgasmotos.es looks like they just vent it over the back of the engine down towards the swingarm. It shouldn't be too much of a problem here. I have always just run my 2004 250F in the stock lower position with no issues. Once you get the oil level right it won't blow oil anymore so won't make a mess.