2011 EC300 idle adjustment & more


New member

I have a new to me 2011 EC300 - with about under 10 hours on it (bought it used with 6 hours and have 1 ride on it so far).

I haven't touched anything on it, and it seems to be jetted pretty good (ableit I have no other bike to compare it to). Here are a few items I am looking for suggestions on:

1. Idle is too low. The bike seemed a little too easy to stall (slow stuff, when releasing clutch) and also when stopped on the trail (unless I was keeping on the throttle). Hoping this is as simple as an AS or idle adjustment, however see #2 and #3 below.

2. A good bit of black spoog out of the silencer at the end of the day.

3. Power characteristics - I think this is good, although I think I was expecting more snappy power down low?? Up top it definitely pulls hard and feels responsive, however if I am just chugging along not really on the pipe, and wack the throttle open (2nd or 3rd) I was expecting the front to come up a little easier.

If anyone has / had this bike feel free to chime in. I want to know if this is all common - if not I will check the carb for what jets, float height, etc.

Anybody? I really don't know where to start - I have read a bunch of the threads here about jetting, even the database, but am having a hard time finding what to do.
It likely still has the N1EF needle in it. Until that's replaced with something better you will chase your tail with adjustments.
It likely still has the N1EF needle in it. Until that's replaced with something better you will chase your tail with adjustments.

What needle should I get?

I live in Maine - sea lever to about 1500 ft, temps from 40F to 90F. Do people recommend the JD Jet Kit? I don't know where to start.
The JD kit is fine (I'm using the JD red needle). You can do the same for less money by buying specific parts. 90% of the jetting is handled by the needle. Read the jetting threads and get something from a local dealer.
im on a 2011 250.

I fitted NECW needle (1/2 clip diff to NEDW) as it was locally available for $15.
Cleans up the bottom/mid but seems to take the edge of the hit when it gets on the pipe, maybe making more in mid so the transition isn't as noticeable.

Standard jetting bike was very spoogy, soft on the bottom (which I think like) and came on the pipe hard (don't like so much in technical stuff!). similar temps and elevation (Northern Ireland). It also drank a ton of fuel, 33miles to reserve.

Ran it for 2.5hrs last night motox/grass track coaching session and I still have half a tank left.
Will have to see what sort distance it was vs fuel useage see if it has improved any.
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im on a 2011 250.

I fitted NECW needle (1/2 clip diff to NEDW) as it was locally available for $15.
Cleans up the bottom/mid but seems to take the edge of the hit when it gets on the pipe, maybe making more in mid so the transition isn't as noticeable.

Standard jetting bike was very spoogy, soft on the bottom (which I think like) and came on the pipe hard (don't like so much in technical stuff!). similar temps and elevation (Northern Ireland). It also drank a ton of fuel, 33miles to reserve.

Ran it for 2.5hrs last night motox/grass track coaching session and I still have half a tank left.
Will have to see what sort distance it was vs fuel useage see if it has improved any.

Did you keep stock pilot + main??

Standard jetting bike was very spoogy, soft on the bottom (which I think like) and came on the pipe hard (don't like so much in technical stuff!). similar temps and elevation (Northern Ireland). It also drank a ton of fuel, 33miles to reserve.

This is precisely how I would describe what I got going on...even on the rain setting the top end SCREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAMS, and the bottom is OK ? I was expecting smoother stronger power on the bottom end, it is just kind flubbery until it picks up enough revs, then it fuckin screams... I really am hoping to make the bottom / mid more useful.
OK - ordered an NECW needle. Should I try a NEDW as well, or is the NECW close enough?

As above the NECW is half a clip leaner than the NEDW. If you try the NECW#3 and it's a bit rich.. and then try NECW#2 and it feels a touch lean, then you'll probably find NEDW#2 is right where you want to be.

You can spend the money now and potentially not need it, or you can wait and see and potentially have to wait a little longer for another needle to arrive. Your call.
As above the NECW is half a clip leaner than the NEDW. If you try the NECW#3 and it's a bit rich.. and then try NECW#2 and it feels a touch lean, then you'll probably find NEDW#2 is right where you want to be.

You can spend the money now and potentially not need it, or you can wait and see and potentially have to wait a little longer for another needle to arrive. Your call.

I will give it a try and hold off on ordering the nedw - should I start in clip position #3? As far as I know I have stock jets.

BTW thank you for your help - you are really dedicated to this website and I have learned a lot from your posts. I would you a brewski if I was in your neck of the woods.
Stock jets should be fine. 40/42 pilot and 175-178 main are safe starters. I'd start in clip 3 with the NECW and see how the bike runs. Always better/safer to start rich.

If you bought me a brewski I'd no doubt drink it.. and then buy the next round! :D