2012 300 JD jetting kit


New member
Anyone using the JD jetting kit in a 2012 300? I bought this kit and put it in with the recommended settings but I'm not in love with it. Anyone out there have it dialed and think it's the only way to go? Also why do the 2012 come with stuff to add holes to the air box? Is this needed to get the bike to run right?
The 2012 is sounding like it takes jetting very similar to the 2011 models, which quite a few people have used JD Kits for and are pretty happy. You said you have tried the suggested settings but you haven't said if you've made any other changes, or what it is that you're not happy with.

Whats your current temp, alt and RH, with the current setup you have in the bike. Pilot, Needle (and clip pos) and Main. You might get some responses from people in similar conditions.
There is a fair bit of variation from one engine to another. JD's sheet does suggest working down to his recommendation, but it does take time to experiment.
I'm ridding from 500-3,500 Im in Seattle WA not sure what our humidity is usually 50-70deg

I pulled out a stock N1EF in the 2nd clip & a 175. fuel screw was about 1 out. Not sure what the pilot jet is but JD says to leave it in.

JD says Blue needle 3rd clip 180 and leave stock pilot. 1 1/2 turns out (anyone know what the 2012 comes with stock for a pilot?)

Rosco gave me a starting point (he also lives in WA) I will try this weekend. Actually close to how the bike comes stock.

I don't know what perfect is supposed to feel like. But I don't like the way it works down low. Not a bog but just not smooth kind of jerky then takes off!
Stock Pilot is a 42. I'd be guessing its probably a bit rich off the bottom. Like it burbles a bit before taking iff which in my experiences makes it very on/off (Rich to lean transition/hit)

You have a few options here, which include trying to lean out the pilot, bny turning the brass Air screw out some more. If you see improvements, and end up more than 2.5 turns out you'll need to go to the next smaller pilot. If the bike is burbling up towards 1/4 throttle and the AS has little effect then you may want to look at going one clip leaner on the needle, orrr... What I would probably do is look at trying the red needle, as its leaner, particularly in the lower throttle positions.
check your pilot,i have seen some bikes shipped with small pilots.also as your in the north west our temps are having large swings day to day lately.(where you can see a diff of 1 needle clip adjustment)
Which JD kit did you get? For the GasGas, there is 001 and 002 listed...
I went...
N1EF 2nd clip
42 Pilot
175 Main
A/S 2 out

JD Red 4th clip
40 Pilot
175 Main
A/S 1.5 out
Starting is improved, idle is smooth. It has a small burble at low RPM's.
I'm in Atlantic Canada. At sea level. In my experience, we have to jet unusually lean here considering we're at sea level.
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GMP contacted JD and confirmed both kits contain the same needles. The later kit simply offers a greater range of pilots and mains and instructions for the 36mm and 38mm carbs as the 2011 models came with both.

What clp position did you end up with the red needle in mycrocks?
Ok so I think i've got it pretty good now (@50deg. 500ft elev.)
JD jetting kit
Blue Needle 2nd clip
42 pilot
1.5 out on the air screw (stock was only 1 turn out & I had not checked that.)

A half turn out on the air screw from 1 to 1.5 out made all the difference took out that little stutter then hard hit of power.

So now that I have it pretty good what happens if I go from my usual conditions of 2,000ft 50-60deg. up to say 5,000ft or the temp is 80deg. coming from the 450 I never touched it no matter where I rode. What is the rule of thumb or should I not need to do anything?
As you go up in elevation the temp also drops and keeps things somewhat even. I wouldn't worry about making any changes for your first trip out. The idle and off idle resp can be adjusted easy enough on the fly by turning the AS out. The rest just take notes and you'll know for next time if you need to lift the clip or drop the main a size or two.

Oops.. Re read you said up or hotter. Worste case the bike will run a bit rich and fluffy, maybe some light burbling and extra fuel usage. Only once you ride it will you know if it requires a change or not.