2012 EC 300 clutch problem, and low spd. throttle jerk....


New member
So....after a few months of rippin' and tearin' on my '12 ec 300, I have some questions for the GasGas collective

Ive been noticing lately that my clutch is grabbing a lot. And usually, that grabbing sensation is accompanied w a squeal/squawk sound.

This usually happens when....

1. Bike is warmed up and has been running on single track/trail for 5-10 mins
2. During hard/technical 2nd/3rd gear single track, where I need to use the clutch often (13/48 gearing)
3. Most often it grabs, and is very notchy, when I have to climb a steep section from a stopped position or after I stall the bike out. I let clutch out slowly and it starts to grab very badly and has a very "notchy/lurching" feel to it. This will force me to pull lever back in, and retry to prevent bike from stalling. It's the exact opposite of what a smooth clutch feels like. This grabbing sensation is usually joined by that awful squealing/squaking/groaning sound from the clutch basket.

I can start the bike in gear w the lever pulled in...most times, however.....the bike will often times want to stall out when lever is pulled in (while in gear), slowing down or just crawling thru the single track. Ive had to adjust my idle at times to keep the revs up. This problem may be sorted out with proper jetting (ordering a JD Kit tomorrow)

I use Bel Ray 80 weight synthetic in my tranny and change it every 6-10 hrs. I've read that some people say this oil causes clutch problems....I've also read it works well.

I've heard that my clutch problems are somewhat of a typical occurence with the 2012 300 gasser as they have the plastic clutch case.

Has the Rekluse clutch cover solved these problems I am having?

My clutch cover does weap oil from the gasket...not much, but enuf to be a pita.

My bike has approx. 30-40 hrs on it.


At slow speed, while in 1st, 2nd and sometimes 3rd gear, my bike's jetting is very erratic and jerky. I CANNOT get a nice smooth deliver from the engine that I should be able to. It's almost impposible to ride single track in these gears without the bike wanting to jerk and buck. I'll have to sometimes put bike in 4th gear so I can smooooooth out the erratic snappines of the engine/carb.

I am presently running a...

40 pilot (used to have a 38)
cck needle 2nd clip
175 main
1.5 turns on a/f screw
0-500 feet above sea level and 20 -30 celcius
Eastern Canada...close to Bay of Fundy
38 mm carb

Bike smokes like a chimney when warm...quite a bit of spooge on muffler tip. My buddies say they can really see/smell my oil when behind me. I run 50:1 Motul 800 syntetcic

I need to twist throttle quite a turn (Lean out carb) to start the bike when warm. As mentioned above though, I am ordering a JD Kit tomorrow and hoping this will solve my problems.

On the pipe though.....this 300 is untouchable!! I cannot believe the power and snap it has. It hits HARD and fast,and that's on the easy mapping! I swapped out with a buddies 2013 KTM 300 XC-W, bone stock, like mine and his was much smoother down low in the single track, but had noticeable less power on the fast trails. Now I want that smooth power down low too, cos' I'm tired of watching him and my other buddy on his 250 Berg run away from me on the tight/techy trails!

On a positive note, I finally got my suspension worked out and is smooth as silk now!!!

Sorry for the long post....and advice would be appreciated.
Make sure your master/slave is bled and working properly, not leaking down and releasing the clutch while you hold the lever. Pull the clutch pack and inspect everything. You may have broken a plate(s). Too low hrs for a basket to notch, and the '12 basket is actually good. The Belray has never been the best choice for a GG clutch, but shouldn't cause major issues either. As far as the cover, I don't think it matters much.

Now jetting. What carb? CCK is too rich for the ASII.,

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I found that some oils make the bike sound worse, but more noticable is a leanish first taper/needle position. If you find yourself at 1/4 throttle and clutching it will heat up and carry on more than otherwise. With the right jetting you'll get a nice clean torquey roll on right off idle. The jerky delivery sounds like a rich/lean transition to me. Rich diameter into a lean taper.

My clutch has always dragged a bit in gear, but never enough to cause hard starting or lurching, but enough to drop the revs a touch more than it would be at idle.
CCK is too rich in dia for that carb. Makes sense that once your off the rich dia it cleans up on the lean taper and hits more.
Took clutch apart today and inspected plates. Friction s all look good and no discolrong or wear on the steel plates. A little bit of tiny flecks of aluminum on the plates but nothing to wprry about. I did see however, that my clutch basket has has two holes drilled in each tower, only 6 of the 12 towers have lower braces connecting them to each other. The other 6are completely standing alone....unsupported except crom the base of the clutch basket....is this right? Ill try posting a pic.
To be honest I don't remember, but I have pics of mine on another computer, I'll check it out.

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Here is what mine looks like. Its all symetrical, cast, with holes drilled.


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Thanks Glenn. Mine has only 3 of those lower support braces attaching each tower......very unnerving! Maybe its time for a Rekluse or Barnett


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The clutch basket on my 12 failed at about 40 hrs. Broke all of the towers off the basket. The clutch made a littel noise then failed completly in the next section. When I got my 13 I put a Rekluse basket in it before I even rode it. Allthough the 13 basket looked to be changed from the 12.
Mine has been fine and trouble free. Only the occasional squawk if I try to hold 2nd under too high a load but nothing abnormal at all.

There is only one thing that could be: Your bike ended up with some kind of GG R&D hack job basket that should never have seen the production floor. How else would you explain it, seriously?

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So I wanted to report on my latest clutch amd throttle update.

I ended up taking out my '12 basket and having a closer look. Not only were 7/11 weebings sheered off, the remaining 4 each had stress cracks on each end and would have broken off at anytime. When I drilled out rivets to backing plate and inspected bottom side of basket I found 7-8 hairline cracks. It looks as though this basket would have failed completely at some point.

I then replaced it with my new Rekluse basket. I also installed new Rekluse friction plates as one of the tabs on one oem plates was broken off. They were also very worn and ground down.

I flushed my tranny and primary area with 2 gallons with Rotella and 1 gallon of wd40. There was an endless amt of aluminum that drained out each time...but now has vitually none. Will drain more as I go.

Clutch sqeal...drag...and groanning howl sound are all now gone! I ran bike for 4 hrs uesterday in exyemely wet single track and puddles puddles puddles of 1ft. water trails....and zero problems.....hopefully that ll stay that way.

Like GMP suggested, maybe I too got one of the '12 hack job r and d baskets from Spain. Dont know...but im glad i discovered it when i did. Ive alread tpld a buddy w the same yr bike to have a quick look at his clutch fingers....just to see. All i know now is that after a brutal ride yesterday after literally changing my basket just moments prior...it worked flwlessly....like it should have from the start.

As far as jerky throttle and NO low speed smmoth throttle response....well, the JD Kit solved that problem too...but can still make a couple adjustments.

Just wanted to share for all those who may benefit...amd a thanks to the gg members here who helped out w suggestions...and ideas.
