2014 300 muffler - what to get and where to buy


New member
Managed to throw the '14 down a hill and onto a few rocks the other day which bent the q stealth brackets and stinger pipe section. It was centered over the rear wheel when I picked it up. Managed to bend it back sort of but can't get it good as new and it is constantly rubbing the rear wheel. Also as I bent the stinger pipe section I have to use a fair bit of force to force it up and get it to line up with the subframe holes, which results in the stinger pipe itself resting against the shock reservoir cap.

Ill attempt to straighten it some more but past experience has taught me once they're bent they never line up properly again.

So what options are out there for me, does the '14 use the same muffler as the '12 & '13?

I don't mind the q stealth but it's pretty big and heavy and expensive and sticks out a fair way which is what caused it to be damaged in the first place so a shorter muffler would be ok. I also have NFI where I can buy them. A quick and lazy google doesn't reveal much apart from DEP mufflers on eBay which can be had for A$170.

Suggestions welcome.
Hmm so looking at the fmf website the '14 muffler has a different part number to the '13. So I guess the '14 has its own special pipe. Of course it does.
2013 and 2014 look to be the same chasis and pipes etc.

Check the part numbers in the exploded diagrams from the website. Do some comparisons and see if that answers the question. If not, I'm happy enough to do some measuring on the 2013 for ya!
2012/2013 bike - muffler/silencer part# BE85000023012
2014 bike - muffler/silencer part# BE87000GG-CBV-2

Definitely different. Bugger.
house of horsepower have nice mufflers, i have one on my 2010 and it sounds nice and works well, it is also much smaller than the q-stealth

there was a post here a few days ago about some they have made for the 2014 bikes, also have a messisco look-a-like header
What about the frame and subframe part numbers Nath? If they were the same I'd say fair chance the rest will carry over easy enough.
What about the frame and subframe part numbers Nath? If they were the same I'd say fair chance the rest will carry over easy enough.

2013 # BE120003013
2014 # BE12000CT-CAB-2

2013 # BE10000013013
2014 # BE10000CT-CAB-1

So who knows, the part #'s are similar, but different.
I'd say they've changed some naming conventions into 2014. You better load your bike up and head north. We need to get this sorted! ;)
email go fasters - they should be able to get you one - a cannon - for $150 landed - or contact the Aussie importer Jeff at the Christini number, last i heard he was bringing in a a batch
email go fasters - they should be able to get you one - a cannon - for $150 landed - or contact the Aussie importer Jeff at the Christini number, last i heard he was bringing in a a batch

Cheers mate I'll give that a shot. You've got a cannon don't you? How do you find it?
I have one on my 2010.Better throttle response, bit more top end rev with no noticeable bottom end lose. Sounds awesome!
Sounds good.
But lucky me I just spent 20 mins in the shed with the pipe in a vice, a plumbers brazing torch and a 23mm socket on the end of a long 3/4in drive extension and once the pipe was glowing red where I wanted to bend it I bent it. Took three goes but now it lines up perfect again.