2014 headlight


New member
hi i have a ec300r , the headlight is that dim i'm struggling to do 30 mph on a dark road as i can barely see where i'm going .

is that just the way the light is on a gas gas ?

I ,know on my 13 the stocker was pretty dim. It's a 35 watt H4, went to the auto parts store and bought a 55 watt and it's much better. Gets pretty warm though.
Or put a real headlight on it.

This is what we use in winter and also helmetlights.

Specs in finnish:

Teknisi? tietoja:
Valovoima 5400 lm
Valon v?ri 6000K
6 kpl 10E CREE superkirkasledej?
K?ytt?j?nnite 9..20V vaihto- tai tasaj?nnite (sis??nrakennetun tasasuuntaajan ansiosta)
Virrankulutus 3.6A @ 12V
Ottoteho 48W
IP luokka IP68

You can take power straight from original light wiring.