2025 RIEJU debuts nov 5th

Well, that's an interesting tease: Fuel injected motor that claims to be new. I hope it still has a kick start capability!
I disagree. Look at this still I pulled from the teaser video. What else could it be? It certainly isn't the pipe or the case. If you open the full pic you can clearly see the outline of the kicker.

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That looks like the new motor teased in the short video...I don't even see a spot for kicker to be added but the picture is not at the best angle for that. Also noted while watching the teaser video that it looks like they moved the e-start. It looks to be under the motor in the engine case. In looking at all the other 300s out there, this motor does not look close to any of them except the new Fantic but still pretty different. The clutch cover is a close "negative" to the Fantic Minarelli motor. Maybe they contracted the motor build to Minarelli? Also noted in the picture that Gomez' bike has 2 spigots on the lower right radiator. Probably for backup in case of issues but still interesting!

Forgot to add that another "conspiracy theory" about the motor is that it could be a collaboration with TM like the 1994 GGs used to be...It's got an "Italian" look to me! I still think somehow Rieju and TM will be together here in the US going forward in the future.
Video of actual motor available on Instagram now. No kickstart, looks counterbalanced, starter looks to be underneath motor, throttle body injector, and neutral indicator switch (likely a DOT type of rule). Engine looks very compact.

No kickstart and injection make this a "no-go" with all in our riding group until a number of years pass. Since we are old, that means a likely "no sale" from us. Looks like we are keeping our 2018 and 2019 GGs until they quit!

edit: The reason no kickstart is a problem for us is because of Rekluse and riding in colder weather at altitude. Everyone of us has had a battery that doesn't work well on a colder morning so kick starting is something all of us use any time of the year. Additionally, if we are 20-40 miles away from our trucks (typical rides are 75 miles +/- 10), it's a long tow back unless we carry a spare battery. Injection is another issue until the kinks and faults have been worked out. The biggest company can't do it, will Rieju?

link to video:

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Well, they lost me with no kicker. Weird that it seems they don't actually listen to their customer base.
Well, they lost me with no kicker. Weird that it seems they don't actually listen to their customer base.

Agreed! However, there appears to be a unknown "fitting" on the bottom of the clutch side of the motor. I'm not sure if it is part of the fixture holding the motor or if it may be a backup for the e-start. Would they have put in a mechanical backup like a hand/kick crank for emergency purposes? That would actually be pretty cool, but I doubt they would do that...

edit: I'm old and feeble of mind...think that fitting at the bottom is for the battery cable to power the starter. I was dreaming of a backup for a failed battery! Please note, I have not accused the starter of failing as that is another matter.
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Video of actual motor available on Instagram now. No kickstart, looks counterbalanced, starter looks to be underneath motor, throttle body injector, and neutral indicator switch (likely a DOT type of rule). Engine looks very compact.

No kickstart and injection make this a "no-go" with all in our riding group until a number of years pass. Since we are old, that means a likely "no sale" from us. Looks like we are keeping our 2018 and 2019 GGs until they quit!

edit: The reason no kickstart is a problem for us is because of Rekluse and riding in colder weather at altitude. Everyone of us has had a battery that doesn't work well on a colder morning so kick starting is something all of us use any time of the year. Additionally, if we are 20-40 miles away from our trucks (typical rides are 75 miles +/- 10), it's a long tow back unless we carry a spare battery. Injection is another issue until the kinks and faults have been worked out. The biggest company can't do it, will Rieju?
I'm also old...
And up till now, I have never bought a brand new motorcycle (or car, for that matter).
I still ride my 2015 EC200. I was very close to buying a 2023 MR200Pro, but decided to hang on to the 2015 a few more years.

If the lack of kickstart/Rekluse combo is holding you back, there is a way to lock up the Rekluse to be able to push-start the bike in an emergency.

Regarding TBI, I guess they use some well-known brand, similar to what the other (Pierer bikes) use?
Mark's at EICMA now. Maybe he'll get an update.
Understood. However, they had their own announcement yesterday morning regarding 2025 race team and were "active" on social media. Just a little odd that they were not tagging in the Rieju corporate postings.
I'm also old...
And up till now, I have never bought a brand new motorcycle (or car, for that matter).
I still ride my 2015 EC200. I was very close to buying a 2023 MR200Pro, but decided to hang on to the 2015 a few more years.

If the lack of kickstart/Rekluse combo is holding you back, there is a way to lock up the Rekluse to be able to push-start the bike in an emergency.

Regarding TBI, I guess they use some well-known brand, similar to what the other (Pierer bikes) use?

Regarding your Rekluse response: Yes, the newer versions allow you to take out of adjustment enough slack to allow for push-starting. Those of us using older versions do not have that choice. In doing this, one would need to re-adjust the engagement point of the clutch after push starting. Where we ride, there are a lot of steep hills with small transition points which would necessitate pushing motorcycles uphill to get enough room to push start the motorcycle. At 61 years old, I am the youngest rider in our group so push starting motorcycles up hills (or even down hills), is kind of dangerous. The last time I pushed start a bike (a couple of years ago), I tripped and fell: That's putting extra risk into riding that is not really necessary if there was a kick starter. However, I get it. People like me (old rider) should get it. We are not the demographic they are targeting. This isn't the first or last area where we are not the target customer of a product or service.
A good look here:

2025 MR300i

It appears to me to be the same bike we know - frame, plastics, etc. - with the new engine. That's not a bad thing as far as I am concerned, I like the existing platform.

Too bad the photographer doesn't know that the bike has a left side :)
