71st Sandy Lane Enduro


New member
going back this year for more,last time down I ruined my knee and didnt finish,great ride for the northern guys who still have snow,weather can be cold,but its a great enduro with some tight sections,great enduro to get in some riding and have some fun,we get our butts kicked by the ECEA guys,but they get to ride most of the winter anyway,definetly a good warm up for our next enduro in may! probably see some of you guys there!
I'll make it down some day. My sister-in-law lives 15-20 min away.
I'll be there, at the Ramada as well. The crew is still changing so we will post enter. NJ is quite different north to south. Where I live its like NETRA terrain, and I havn't been out since last fall. Still a few inches of snow in the woods. The guys who live down there and/or are in the southern clubs get to ride more, but its illegal unless you have a permit to work on trail.
So how did everyone do? Good to see Kevin again and meet Brian.

I'm happy that my back held up fine, and I know I can still ride hard. Major monkey butt from that '07 seat though, as you can't really stand in the tight stuff and the course was hacked up on minute #79.
Nice to meet you Glenn.
I didn't stay for the results. I got promoted to B last year and my class (B Senior) is pretty fast. I dropped 54. I don't have a prayer for a trophy down there or in NETRA. Plus, we had a 7 hr. drive ahead of us. It was worth the drive though. What a great ride. They sure went easy on us this year. Glad your back is letting you have some fun.
You and I are in the same situation. I hit a wall and just need more time to ride events to advance that I don't have. I had a couple issues, one with my jacket/CP pinching my arm, and the seat:eek: , cost me some points(and pain) in the 2nd half. Bike worked great, really like the Sub mount setup.

I'll take 47 pts with no get offs considering I havn't ridden longer than 15 miles since Sept. I didn't stick around either, and saw you guys left when we were still packing up. What about Kevin, how did he do?
I'll take 47 pts with no get offs...What about Kevin, how did he do?
I don't know how to ride the big sandy berms. I kept knifing the front end and crashing in the silliest places.
I was on the ground 8 or 9 times and got stuck in one of the very few mud ruts for my 54 so I'd guess we're in about the same boat right now.

Kevin got a 2 min. burn. I think he might have trophied if not for that.
HAHA! I did terrible,dropped 33 points?was sitting fourth,but they had moved me to sixth by the time I got my sub and coffee!!,we left before the final results were up,but we had only lost three points up to the last check before gas,burned that one by 2 minutes costing me 7 extra points and any hope of placing,after gas things got worse,I cramped up in the first tight section and just couldnt get going,once things opened up I was fine,but the tight stuff took a toll on me,Im way out of riding shape,I was chasing a NETRA AA rider for the first loop and carded the same score,but couldnt keep pace after gas,probably should have relaxed on the first loop a little bit and tried to save some for the second half,just cant seem to go the whole event without hitting the wall,might have to start running or riding a bike or do anything during the winter to maintain stamina,maybe next year! still had a blast and wish I could ride down in the tight trees more often,its really a huge weakness of mine and I show up almost every year to try and be quicker through the tight stuff,we just dont have anything close to that type of tight trails around here,we got plenty of rocks!
I don't know how to ride the big sandy berms. I kept knifing the front end and crashing in the silliest places
you can thank your new england rock suspension for that one brian,mine was doing the exact same thing,I came up to a big sandy sweeping right hander on one of the fire roads and high sided and proceeded to yardsale it!bike stayed running though and I got back on very quickly,I was bottoming out everywhere,even some of the easy whoops thanks to carrying so much speed without any fear of rocks,mark was wondering how I could have been riding at that pace with griff with such soft suspension,he put his 125 MX suspension on his 200!
Thats whats tough for us, because we have both rock runs just like yours and sand runs in the same series. I think its worse riding rocks with stiff sand suspension. I stiffened mine up a bit and it was decent though, although I still used all of it in the bigger whoops. Tagged a couple trees pretty good but kept it up, just slower in the last section. I like the tight stuff as its the great equilizer, and where the quick steering GasGas really works well. Sucks in summer heat/humidity down there though, thats why there are no sand runs in mid summer. That terrain gets hammered fast, and at #79 it was really beat up. The trick with sandy turns is get on the power early and not as much weight foward as usual, especially with a soft fork. I took a class with Rich Lafferty down there a few years back and it helped a lot.

Actually the tighter sections at Sandy Lane are not that bad. If you really want some serious tight tree practice, do the Greenbriar. Sub bar width sections for at least 10+ miles. Tortureous.

I think I'm getting studs and riding some next winter, so I don't come out cold and get my butt kicked as bad. I'll be Super Senior in Sept. so I'm interested in seeing those scores.
That's great. I love all the trees with marks from barkbusters.:eek:
In most years (with "ignorant" tight sections) they wouldn't even need arrows. Just ride between the bark marks. :o
There seemed to be a lot of cameras out there Sunday.
Any more pics/vids out there ? I've been searching all week and only found a few pics on ADVrider and this one vid of a fast section: http://media.putfile.com/SAndy-LAne-Enduro-08
I guess EventPhotoNow wasn't there this year ? Cool home page they have, though.
Dave Blodgett, the guy who does the helmet cams, will soon post a lot of clips his wife took on ECEA. He does a good job, usually even organizes by range of rider #s.